
Something Beautiful Remains


The tide recedes but leaves behind

bright seashells on the sand.

The sun goes down, but gentle warmth

still lingers on the land.

The music stops, and yet it echoes on

in sweet refrains….

For every joy that passes,

something beautiful remains.

We have lost many members of our class.  Our sympathies are extended to all of their families as they are dearly missed.
NHS ‘61
SORTED BY NAME (SORTED BY DATE - see below; pictures and obituaries follow that)

Sara (Abramowitz) Singer Jan. 2018
Steven H. Abramowitz 1990
Stanley G. Allison Dec. 2007
Janet A. (Almquist) Hoeft Apr. 2016
Gerald P. Ames 1978
Clark P. Anderson Dec. 2019
Donald R. Anderson Oct. 1995
Richard L. Anderson 
Ronald R. Baker Dec. 2019
Gerald Balke Mar. 2016
Regina L. (Ballard) Tarver Nov. 2018
Connie J. Barnett Apr. 2018
Thomas L. Barth Sep. 2015

Michael Lee Beal, Mar. 2024
Ronald Lee Bell Jun. 2016

Richard P. Bellcour Jun. 2023
Robert E. Benedict Jun. 2014
Carl A. Berg Sep. 2018
Carmen M. (Bernick) Bushey 2006
Barbara Ellen (Besner) Price Apr. 2021
Shari M. (Besner) Jacobson Jun. 1996
Charlene F. (Bethel) Tate May 2023
Gaylord J. Bishop May 2022
Gerald A. Blackledge Aug. 2017
Dennis D. Blanchard Jan. 2015
Thomas H. Booker Jan. 1993
Karon "Caron"  D. (Bosak) Fellner Apr. 2015
Gary W. Braasch Vietnam
Larry R. Braasch Nov. 2001
Harley R. Bradley Mar. 2020

Joseph H. Brochin Oct. 2024
Robert F. Campbell Aug. 2020
Ramona D. (Chilstrom) Pokrant May 2013
Mattie M. Clark Feb. 2010
Richard J. Coleman Jul. 2021

Judith K. (Compton) Grega Aug. 2015
Murray J. Cooper Dec. 2022

Verna E. (Cornell) Carson Dec. 2024
Joseph E. Cox 
Michael  Coyle Dec. 1985
Douglas M. Cram Dec. 2019
Judith M. (Cundiff) Schuyten Aug. 2016
William C. Curry 2021
Marian K. Dahl Feb. 1995
Milton F. Dailey Oct. 2008
Penny J. (Darsow) Bergmann May 1988
Charles L. Darth Aug. 2022
Darlene M. (Day) Pelkey Sep. 2005
Robert J. DeValk Jun. 2014
Steven S. Dolgoff Nov. 1977
Richard P. Draves Oct. 2000
Mari Jo (Driste) Renstrom Aug. 2021
James R. Druk Aug. 2018
Ronald C. Eisenzimmer May 2022
Mary L. (Ellison) Chermack Sep. 1995
John F. Fabienke Jan. 2007
Patricia M. (Falkowski) Rice Jan. 2020
Nodra A. (Filipek) Call Oct. 2012
Judith Fisher 
Norman R. Fishman Oct. 2020
Martin M. Fiterman Feb. 2013
Elizabeth (Forare) Stueve Feb. 2023
Joyce A. (Forster) Masmanides Anderson May 2016
Frank Garrett, Jr. Aug. 1974

James E. Geye Jul. 2023
Mary (Golden) La Palme Oct. 1996
Karen L. (Gryczkowski) Huwald Jun. 2002
Anthony P. Guzzo Nov. 2004

Stanley Thomas Hahn Jan. 2025
Patricia A. (Haley) Kondrick Feb. 1996

Kathleen A. Hall Jan. 2020
Patrick A. Halloran Feb. 2012
Harold H. Hanifl Jan. 2015
Michael T. Hartig Aug. 1991
Jacquelyn (Henderson) Arbogast Dec. 2001

Barbara A. (Hirt) Girtz Dec. 2024
Michael J. Hofmann Nov. 2011
Larry A. Hogetvedt Apr. 2001
Kathryn H. (Holmquist) Haroldson Feb. 2011
William Edward Hopkins Jul. 2019
Connie Howard, Jr. Jan. 2019
Sandra J. (Huberty) Cich Jul. 2014
Joan M. (Hulbert) Kummer Dec. 2006
Karen P. (Hultgren) Christofferson Nov. 2017

Michael E. Ingram Nov. 2024
Betty L. Johnson Feb. 1972
Carol M. (Johnson) Otterson Mar. 2021
Dorothy K. Johnson Jun. 2002
Karen M. Johnson Dec. 2002
Kenneth L. Johnson Feb. 1999
Martha L. (Johnson) Jacobsen Jan.  2014
Patricia "Pat" Frances (Johnson) Alberg Jun. 2023
Richard I. Johnson Jan. 2014
Sharon L. (Johnson) Baker Mar. 2021
Timothy A. Kairies Nov. 2012
Gale B. Kaplan Apr. 2010
William E. Karsten Oct. 2012

Dorothy L. "Lori" (Katz) Schulman Apr. 2024

Bernard W. Kehr Oct. 2020
Patricia N. King Jun. 1983
Gale M. Kirschbaum Jan. 1982
Judith E. (Kittleson) Kearney Feb. 2018
David Richard Knoblauch Nov. 2009
Judy A. (Koerner) Wenzel Oct. 2003
Albert Kohn Apr. 2014
Judith A. (Koppi) Rosso Oct. 1998
Howard M. Korsh Nov. 2021
Kathleen A. Kraft Nov. 2015
Richard A. Krahn May 2023
Joseph D. Lachner Sep. 2002
John L. Lannes Apr. 2016
Joanne M. Lantto Nov. 1978
Darlene V. (Larson) McAllister Oct. 2018
Donald D. Larson Dec. 2005
Norma L. (Larson) Antell Feb. 2001

Walter J. "Joe" LaVoie Dec. 2012
Bruce N. Lazarus May 2024

Stephen R. LeGro Nov. 1990
James J. Lenhart May 1992
Jarl Tom Lepisto Nov. 2021
Lawrence A. Lindman Mar. 2023

Dale E. Lindquist May 2016
Phillip J. Litwin Jul. 1997
David L. Lochli Jan. 1998
Thomas M. Lonsky Mar. 2021
James E. Lowrie Sep. 1974
Donald A. Lundstrom Oct. 2020
Ann M. (Malbon) Tollefson Sep. 2004
Dennis M. Marthaler Jan. 1986
Freddrick W. Martin Jan. 2001
Laura B. McTague 2005
Larry G. Miller May 1982
Merl D. Miller Sep. 2018
Joseph S. Mitchell Nov. 2003
Paul Andrew Moe Sep. 2016
John L. Moen Mar. 2011
Jacqueline A. (Morrison) Anderson Apr. 2014
Marguerite A. (Muller) Pakkala Jan. 2024
Richard D. Nafstad Apr. 1983
Terrance M. Nagle Nov. 2008
Thomas Neadle Oct. 2022
Richard A. Nelson 1989
Rodney A. Norberg Aug. 1971
Barbara Ann (Nordstrom) Walz Dec. 2015
Thomas D. Norling May 2021
Aelred J. Noska Jr. Oct. 2019
Eleanor K. (Noska) Socorso Sep. 2014
Bruce H. Nyberg Jan. 2008
Gary E. Nylander Dec. 2015
Patrick R. O'Brien Jun. 2018

Thomas P. O'Brien Oct. 2021
Faye Ann (Olander) Coates Oct. 1994
Raye A. Olander Dec. 1985
Diane G. (Oxborough) Hasse Dec. 2022
Ronald A. Patten 1995
Theodora M. Patterson Jun. 2011
Theodore Patterson May 2006
Gerald E. Pawloski Apr. 1993
Kathleen J. (Pegg) Sheehan Mar. 2021
Michael J. Pendergast Jun. 2011
Joan M. (Pennig) Patten  Jan. 2024
Darlene M. (Perron) More Jul., 2016
Michael Dennis Peter May 1999
Darrel J. Peterson Oct. 2010
Delwin M. Peterson May 2008
Nancy L. (Plutzer) Lancet Dec. 2021
John R. Proulx Jun. 2020
Barbara A. Quast May 2010
Carole J. (Ramin) Parker Apr. 2016
Richard P. Ranelle Jul. 2000
Vern Chester Reynolds Feb. 2017
Judith A. Rockler Oct. 2017
Michael Rostamo Oct. 2002
John P. Ruzicka Apr. 1977
William P. Ruzicka Jul. 2003
Richard W. Ryan Jun. 2003
Hubert C. "Bud" Schaitberger, Jr. Jul. 2017
Judith A. Schlicht Nov. 1973
Constance Lee (Schultz) Erickson May 2013
Michael C. Schwab Apr. 2007
Jerry Schwartz Jan. 2002
Susan T. (Schwartz) Friedman Dec. 2021
Willa Frances (Scott) Ingram Sep. 2004
Judith K. (Seiler) Sheridan Feb. 2012
Larry E. Small Aug. 2013
Lee T. Snapko Feb. 2012

Sherna "Shay" (Soll) Butterfras Oct. 2022
Diane M. (Spandel) Lind Apr. 2003
Carol Ann (Sparks) Larscheid Sep. 2012
Michael J. Spillane Apr. 2021
Bradley E. St.Mane May 2017
Eugene W. Stano, Jr. Oct. 1997

Roger G. Stano Mar. 2024
David P. Stasney Feb. 1995
Delane (Steckman) Soposnick Oct. 2010
Daniel R. Stone Feb. 2001

Carol A. (Sundeen) Zawistowski Sep. 2024
Patricia B. (Sward) Vaughn Apr. 2001
Beverly J. (Swenson) Becker May 1994
Mary A. (Swenson) Fickling Sep. 2018
Lawrence G. Taylor Apr. 1997
David J. Thielke Feb. 2011
George W. Thompson Feb. 1998
Ruth (Thompson) Wallace Mar. 2017
Richard J. Toft Nov. 2014
Barbara J. (Tohey) Nesheim Jan. 2013
Alice A. (Tomasko) Heid Dec. 2015
Sandra R. Trombley 2000
Rhona M. (Troswick) Wheeler Apr. 2000
Ronald V. Valez Dec. 2012
Darlene S. (Vaughn) Buckman 
Ruth L. (Wedekind) Lovsted Feb. 2015
Joan (Weisman) Belzer Jan. 2024
Carol A. Westberry Jul. 2010
Melford A. Wheeler Oct. 2018
Patricia Williams Mar. 2004
Meredith J. (Wise) Hampton May 2012
Leonard V. Wood Jun. 2017
Barbara J. (Wyland) Flatten Sep. 2020
John W. Zimmer Jun. 2021

Jean E. Zoldahn Jul. 2023
Deborah A. (Zweigbaum) Schoenack Oct. 2022






 Joseph H. Brochin, Oct. 2024
Carol A. (Sundeen) Zawistowski, Sep. 2024
Bruce N. Lazarus, May 2024
Dorothy L. "Lori" (Katz) Schulman Apr. 2024
Michael L. Beal, Mar. 2024
Roger G. Stano, Mar. 2024
Marguerite A. (Muller) Pakkala, Jan. 2024
Joan A. (Weisman) Belzer, Jan. 2024
Joan M. (Pennig) Patten, Jan. 2024
James E. Geye, Jul. 2023
Jean E. Zoldahn, Jul. 2023
Patricia F. (Johnson) Alberg, Jun. 2023
Charlene F. (Bethel) Tate, May 2023
Richard A. Krahn, May 2023
Lawrence A. Lindman, Mar. 2023
Elizabeth (Forare) Stueve, Feb. 2023
Diane G. (Oxborough) Hasse, Dec. 2022
Murray J. Cooper, Dec. 2022
Pamela L. (Benjamson) Anderson, Nov. 2022
Sherna "Shay" (Soll) Butterfras, Oct. 2022
Thomas Neadle, Oct. 2022
Deborah A. (Zweigbaum) Schoenack, Oct. 2022
Charles L. Darth, Aug. 2022
Ronald C. Eisenzimmer, May 2022
Gaylord J. Bishop, May 2022
Nancy L. (Plutzer) Lancet, Dec. 2021
Susan T. (Schwartz) Friedman, Dec. 2021
Jarl Tom Lepisto, Nov. 2021
Howard M. Korsh, Nov. 2021
Thomas P. O'Brien, Oct. 2021
Mari Jo (Driste) Renstrom, Aug. 2021
Richard J. Coleman, Jul. 2021
John W. Zimmer, Jun. 2021
Thomas D. Norling, May 2021
Michael J. Spillane, Apr. 2021
Barbara Ellen (Besner) Price, Apr. 2021
Carol M. (Johnson) Otterson, Mar. 2021
Sharon L. (Johnson) Baker, Mar. 2021
Thomas M. Lonsky, Mar. 2021
Kathleen J. (Pegg) Sheehan, Mar. 2021
William C. Curry, 2021
Norman R. Fishman, Oct. 2020
Donald A. Lundstrom, Oct. 2020
Bernard W. Kehr, Oct. 2020
Barbara J. (Wyland) Flatten, Sep. 2020
Robert F. Campbell, Aug. 2020
John R. Proulx, Jun. 2020
Harley R. Bradley, Mar. 2020
Kathleen A. Hall, Jan. 2020
Patricia M. (Falkowski) Rice, Jan. 2020
Douglas M. Cram, Dec. 2019
Ronald R. Baker, Dec., 2019
Clark P. Anderson, Dec. 2019
Aelred J. Noska Jr., Oct. 2019
William Edward Hopkins, Jul. 2019
Connie Howard Jr., Jan. 2019
Regina L. (Ballard) Tarver, Nov.2018
Melford A. Wheeler, Oct. 2018
Darlene V. (Larson) McAllister, Oct. 2018
Carl A. Berg, Sep. 2018
Mary A. (Swenson) Fickling, Sep. 2018
Merl D. Miller, Sep. 2018
James R. Druk, Aug. 2018
Patrick R. O'Brien, Jun. 2018
Connie J. Barnett, Apr. 2018
Judith E. (Kittleson) Kearney, Feb. 2018
Sara (Abramowitz) Singer, Jan. 2018
Karen P. (Hultgren) Christofferson, Nov. 2017
Judith A. Rockler, Oct. 2017
Gerald A. Blackledge, Aug. 2017
Hubert C. "Bud" Schaitberger Jr., Jul. 2017
Leonard V. Wood, Jun. 2017
Bradley E. St.Mane, May 2017
Ruth (Thompson) Wallace, Mar. 2017
Vern Chester Reynolds, Feb. 2017
Paul Andrew Moe, Sep. 2016
Judith M. (Cundiff) Schuyten, Aug. 2016
Darlene M. (Perron) More, Jul., 2016
Ronald Lee Bell, Jun. 2016
Matrece "Matti" P. (Stulberg) Hoffman, Jun. 2016
Joyce A. (Forster) Masmanides, May 2016
Dale E. Lindquist, May 2016
Carole J. (Ramin) Parker, Apr. 2016
Janet A. (Almquist) Hoeft, Apr. 2016
John L. Lannes, Apr. 2016
Gerald Balke, Mar. 2016
Gary E. Nylander, Dec. 2015
Barbara Ann (Nordstrom) Walz, Dec. 2015
Alice A. (Tomasko) Heid, Dec. 2015
Kathleen A. Kraft, Nov. 2015
Thomas L. Barth, Sep. 2015
Judith K. (Compton) Grega, Aug. 2015
Karon "Caron"  D. (Bosak) Fellner, Apr. 2015
Ruth L. (Wedekind) Lovsted, Feb. 2015
Harold H. Hanifl, Jan. 2015
Dennis D. Blanchard, Jan. 2015
Richard J. Toft, Nov. 2014
Eleanor K. (Noska) Socorso, Sep. 2014
Sandra J. (Huberty) Cich, Jul. 2014
Robert E. Benedict, Jun. 2014
Robert J. DeValk, Jun. 2014
Albert Kohn, Apr. 2014
Jacqueline A. (Morrison) Anderson, Apr. 2014
Martha L. (Johnson) Jacobsen, Jan.  2014
Richard I. Johnson, Jan. 2014
Larry E. Small, Aug. 2013
Ramona D. (Chilstrom) Pokrant, May 2013
Constance Lee (Schultz) Erickson, May 2013
Martin M. Fiterman, Feb. 2013
Barbara J. (Tohey) Nesheim, Jan. 2013
Walter J. "Joe" LaVoie, Dec. 2012
Ronald V. Valez, Dec. 2012
Timothy A. Kairies, Nov. 2012
Nodra A. (Filipek) Call, Oct. 2012
William E. Karsten, Oct. 2012
Carol Ann (Sparks) Larscheid, Sep. 2012
Meredith J. (Wise) Hampton, May 2012
Lee T. Snapko, Feb. 2012
Patrick A. Halloran, Feb. 2012
Judith K. (Seiler) Sheridan, Feb. 2012
Michael J. Hofmann, Nov. 2011
Michael J. Pendergast, Jun. 2011
Theodora M. Patterson, Jun. 2011
John L. Moen, Mar. 2011
David J. Thielke, Feb. 2011
Kathryn H. (Holmquist) Haroldson, Feb. 2011
Delane (Steckman) Soposnick, Oct. 2010
Darrel J. Peterson, Oct. 2010
Carol A. Westberry, Jul. 2010
Barbara A. Quast, May 2010
Gale B. Kaplan, Apr. 2010
Mattie M. Clark, Feb. 2010
David Richard Knoblauch, Nov. 2009
Terrance M. Nagle, Nov. 2008
Milton F. Dailey, Oct. 2008
Delwin M. Peterson, May 2008
Bruce H. Nyberg, Jan. 2008
Stanley G. Allison, Dec. 2007
Michael C. Schwab, Apr. 2007
John F. Fabienke, Jan. 2007
Joan M. (Hulbert) Kummer, Dec. 2006
Theodore Patterson, May 2006
Carmen M. (Bernick) Bushey, 2006
Donald D. Larson, Dec. 2005
Darlene M. (Day) Pelkey, Sep. 2005
Laura B. McTague, 2005
Anthony P. Guzzo, Nov. 2004
Willa Frances (Scott) Ingram, Sep. 2004
Ann M. (Malbon) Tollefson, Sep. 2004
Patricia Williams, Mar. 2004
Joseph S. Mitchell, Nov. 2003
Judy A. (Koerner) Wenzel, Oct. 2003
William P. Ruzicka, Jul. 2003
Richard W. Ryan, Jun. 2003
Diane M. (Spandel) Lind, Apr. 2003
Karen M. Johnson, Dec. 2002
Michael Rostamo, Oct. 2002
Joseph D. Lachner, Sep. 2002
Dorothy K. Johnson, Jun. 2002
Karen L. (Gryczkowski) Huwald, Jun. 2002
Jerry Schwartz, Jan. 2002
Jacquelyn (Henderson) Arbogast, Dec. 2001
Larry R. Braasch, Nov. 2001
Larry A. Hogetvedt, Apr. 2001
Patricia B. (Sward) Vaughn, Apr. 2001
Daniel R. Stone, Feb. 2001
Norma L. (Larson) Antell, Feb. 2001
Freddrick W. Martin, Jan. 2001
Richard P. Ranelle, Jul. 2000
Richard P. Draves, Oct. 2000
Rhona M. (Troswick) Wheeler, Apr. 2000
Sandra R. Trombley, 2000
Michael Dennis Peter, May 1999
Kenneth L. Johnson, Feb. 1999
Judith A. (Koppi) Rosso, Oct. 1998
George W. Thompson, Feb. 1998
David L. Lochli, Jan. 1998
Eugene W. Stano Jr., Oct. 1997
Phillip J. Litwin, Jul. 1997
Lawrence G. Taylor, Apr. 1997
Mary (Golden) La Palme, Oct. 1996
Shari M. (Besner) Jacobson, Jun. 1996
Patricia A. (Haley) Kondrick, Feb. 1996
Donald R. Anderson, Oct. 1995
Mary L. (Ellison) Chermack, Sep. 1995
David P. Stasney, Feb. 1995
Marian K. Dahl, Feb. 1995
Ronald A. Patten, 1995
Faye Ann (Olander) Coates, Oct. 1994
Beverly J. (Swenson) Becker, May 1994
Gerald E. Pawloski, Apr. 1993
Thomas H. Booker, Jan. 1993
James J. Lenhart, May 1992
Michael T. Hartig, Aug. 1991
Stephen R. LeGro, Nov. 1990
Steven H. Abramowitz, 1990
Richard A. Nelson, 1989
Penny J. (Darsow) Bergmann, May 1988
Dennis M. Marthaler, Jan. 1986
Raye A. Olander, Dec. 1985
Michael  Coyle, Dec. 1985
Patricia N. King, Jun. 1983
Richard D. Nafstad, Apr. 1983
Larry G. Miller, May 1982
Gale M. Kirschbaum, Jan. 1982
Joanne M. Lantto, Nov. 1978
Gerald P. Ames, 1978
Steven S. Dolgoff, Nov. 1977
John P. Ruzicka, Apr. 1977
James E. Lowrie, Sep. 1974
Frank Garrett Jr., Aug. 1974
Judith A. Schlicht, Nov. 1973
Betty L. Johnson, Feb. 1972
Rodney A. Norberg, Aug. 1971
Joseph E. Cox
Judith Fisher
Darlene S. (Vaughn) Buckman
Gary W. Braasch, Vietnam
Richard L. Anderson


Sara (Abramowitz) Singer Jan. 2018
Sara (Abramowitz) Singer Jan. 2018

Sara (Abramowitz) Singer


Singer, Sara (Abramowitz) 9/20/1942 - 01/17/2018 Of Los Angeles. The world lost a brave and beloved woman in Sara Singer last Wednesday. Born in and surviving Holocaust Poland, Sara and her family boarded the Exodus 1947 when she was only three years old, landing as refugees in British Mandatory Palestine. Sara immigrated to Minneapolis at thirteen, where she graduated from North High School. She was never afraid of change, and lived her life to the fullest in Minneapolis, Palm Springs, Las Vegas, and finally, Tarzana, where she spent the last six months enjoying the company of family and friends. Sara carried her confidence and liveliness with her from birth all the way through the end, never fearing to speak her mind or crack a well-needed joke. She is survived by her two sisters, Esther and Alona, three children, Misty, Corrie, and Charles, her son- and daughter-in-law Dorian and Divine, as well as nine grandchildren, Alexis, Tiffany, Kai, Rio, Yasmine, Jonathan, Storm, Skyy, and Rain. She will be sorely missed. To all that would like to join in celebration of Sara's life, the memorial will take place at 1500 Sepulveda, Mission Hills, CA on Monday, January 22nd at 3pm.

Published on January 22, 2018

Steven H. Abramowitz 1990
Steven H. Abramowitz 1990
Steven H. Abramowitz 1990
Stanley Allison 
December 29, 2007
Stanley Allison December 29, 2007
Stanley "Stan"  Allison, age 64, of Cottage Grove passed  away peacefully on  Saturday morning December 29, 2007 at his home.
Survived by wife Leila; daughters Kristen (Jim) Hopwood, Karyn (Trevor) Dulka; grandchildren Joelle, Ben, Rachel; Carter & Allison; special friend Jerry Alexander; many relatives and friends. He was preceded in death by parents.
Stanley was born August 22, 1943 in Minneapolis the son of Henry & Hazel (Erickson) Allison. He was raised in Minneapolis and graduated from North High School. On April 15, 1967 he married Leila Hazen at Hobart United Methodist Church in Minneapolis. Stan served in the United States Army. Stan is retired from 3M, enjoyed many years of running, biking, x-cty skiing, traveling, and many years of volunteering in the community.
Memorial Service 11 AM Saturday Jan. 5 at NEWPORT UNITED METHODIST CHURCH, 1596 11TH Ave. Newport.  
Special thanks to the staff at the Masonic Cancer Center at the U of M and Fairview Hospice.
Memorials may be made to the Kidney Cancer Association, 1988 Momentum Pl. Chicago, IL 60689-5319.
Janet A. (Almquist) Hoeft Apr. 2016
Janet A. (Almquist) Hoeft Apr. 2016
Janet A. (Almquist) Hoeft Apr. 2016
    Janet A. Hoeft, age 73, of South Haven died Wednesday, April 13, 2016 at Lakeside Oasis of Lake Ridge Care Center in Buffalo.
    Memorial Services will be held 10:30 a.m. Monday, April 18, 2016 at Zion United Methodist Church, South Haven with Rev. Ruth Hograbe officiating.  Burial will follow at Zion United Methodist Cemetery.  Visitation will be held 4-6 p.m. Sunday and one hour prior to the service on Monday, both at the church.  Arrangements are entrusted with Dingmann Funeral Care Burial & Cremation Services.
    Janet Alice Hoeft was born April 13, 1943 in Minneapolis to Sidney and Elnora (Ranberg) Almquist.  She graduated from North High School in Minneapolis with the Class of 1961.  On July 14, 1962, she was united in marriage to Franklin Hoeft in South Haven.  Janet was a member of the Fairhaven Lions Club, South Haven Fire Department Women’s Auxiliary, Zion United Methodist Church and the United Methodist Women. She enjoyed knitting, crocheting, reading, baking and spending time with family, especially her grandchildren and great grandchildren.  Janet loved to play games, watch movies and drink Pepsi.
    She is survived by her children & their spouses Toni & Paul Paumen of Maple Lake, Kirby & Kerry Jo Hoeft of Lakeville and Marcy & Rick Genest of Woodbridge, VA; seven grandchildren Russell (Kristi), Laura (Tony), Kurt (Amanda), Madeline, Caleb, Allison and Abrielle; four great grandchildren Dylan, Kalli, Kenna and Paxton; brother Jim Almquist of Plymouth; and sister Geraldine Prigge of Elk River.  She is preceded in death by her parents Sidney Almquist and Elnora Mikkanen; husband Franklin Hoeft; and sister Lila Cates.
Gerald P. Ames 1978
Gerald P. Ames 1978
Gerald P. Ames 1978
Clark P. Anderson Dec. 2019
Clark P. Anderson Dec. 2019

Clark Peter Anderson, in Loving Memory

January 9, 1943 – December 25, 2019.  After a sixteen year struggle with Parkinson’s disease, Clark passed away peacefully at home.  He had spent a lovely Christmas day listening to opera and enjoyed Christmas dinner with his wife Baerbel, daughter Karin and son-in-law Roger.  He leaves behind his sister Judy and her family.  In lieu of flowers, donations to the Parkinson’s Foundation of Canada would be appreciated.  Clark will be greatly missed.  We love you Clark.  

Donald R. Anderson Oct. 1995
Donald R. Anderson Oct. 1995
Donald R. Anderson Oct. 1995
Richard L. Anderson
Richard L. Anderson
Richard L. Anderson
Ronald R. Baker Dec., 2019
Ronald R. Baker Dec., 2019

Ronald R. Baker

Baker, Ronald R. of Minneapolis, MN passed away 12/6/2019 at the age of 76. Ron is preceded in death by his father, Eugene D. Baker; mother, Helen (Koneck) Baker; and brother Eugene J. Baker. He is survived by his wife of 56 years, Kathy; daughters, Kimberly (Paul) and Kristin; sons, Scott (Julie) and Stephen (Jan); sister, Kathy; special family friend, Wendy Wagner; eleven grandchildren; and six great-grandchildren. A funeral service will be held Tuesday, 12/17 at Epiphany Catholic Church, 1900 111th Ave NW, Coon Rapids. There will be a visitation at 9:30 AM followed by a Mass of Christian Burial at 10:30 AM.

Published on December 15, 2019

Gerald Balke Mar. 2016
Gerald Balke Mar. 2016

Gerald K. Balke

Balke, Gerald K. "Jerry" "Chief" Age 72, gently passed away on March 10, 2016, surrounded by his "girls". Beloved husband and best friend for 53 years to Theodora "Teddy". The best dad ever of Tara and Michelle "Mitzi" (Jeff) Wanta. He is also survived by his granddaughter Georgia, "the sunshine of his life" and she was always on his mind; his sister Mary Margaret Timmermann, brother-in-law Terry Kornberg, sisters-in-law Nadine Balke and Cherie (Gordy) Torgerson also other relatives and friends. He was preceded in death by his brother Maurice and sisters Verna and Connie. Chief worked in civil engineering while serving with the U. S Air Force in England and Montana. Following his discharge from the military he worked in HVAC both commercially and industrially in sales and entrepreneurship. Visitation will be held on Thursday March 17, 2016, from 5 PM until the time of service at 7 PM at CHURCH AND CHAPEL FUNERAL HOME 380 Bluemound Road, Waukesha (Hwys J&JJ, 4 blocks South of I-94). In lieu of flowers memorials appreciated for the Wounded Warrior Project. To receive obit/directions text 1598138 to 414-301-6422

Regina L. (Ballard) Tarver Nov.2018
Regina Louise (Ballard) Tarver was born April 13, 1943, in Taunton, Massachusetts to parents Alice Alcynetta Carmen Louise Cassell and Edward “Bus” King.  She lived in Taunton for one year while her father was in the military service, then moved to Des Moines, Iowa.

Regina was preceded in death by her mother and father and brother Edward Ronald Ballard Freeman. She is survived by brother Britt Binga Freeman, sister Charlene Renee James, daughter Quiaira Cynetta Tarver, grandson David Franklin Brown, Jr., and a host of cousins, nieces and nephews.

Regina spent her early years in Des Moines and her later years in Minneapolis, Minnesota. She graduated from North High School and got her BFA degree from the Minneapolis College of Art and Design. Her life careers included work at the University of Minnesota Public Health Department, Lund’s Grocery, King’s Supermarket, the Star Tribune, Twin City Neighborhood Housing Services, and the Urban Coalition of Minnesota. Before retiring at age 62, Regina was a school secretary at Minneapolis Public Schools.

Her advice to young people is to remember that “We are on this earth to love, and love is the answer to many things. Also, do unto others as you would have done to you.” Regina was a good listener and had a caring heart.

Services for Regina Louise Tarver will be held on Monday, Nov. 26, at Fellowship Missionary Baptist Church, 3355 N. 4th Street, Minneapolis; visitation at 10 am, memorial service at 11 am; a repast will follow the services.

Connie Barnett
April 28, 2018
Connie Barnett April 28, 2018
Connie Barnett April 2018
It is with great sadness that we announce the death of Connie Barnett of New York, New York who passed away on April 28, 2018 leaving to mourn family and friends.  Family and friends are welcome to send flowers or leave condolences and share them with the family.  She was loved and cherished by many people including her children, Michael Kohn, Julia Kohn, Jeffrey Kohn; her siblings Joan Knudtson, and Steve Barnett and also her ex-husband and best friend Eugene Kohn. Connie touched countless lives as a mother, sister, friend opera singer, and cook.  The world will not be the same without her smile, her voice and her cooking. 
May 2, 1943 -April 28, 2018
Thomas L. Barth Sep. 2015
Thomas L. Barth Sep. 2015

Thomas Barth

Barth, Thomas 73, of Minneapolis, died on September 12, 2015. Born on September 6, 1942. He is to be remembered for his love of wilderness and art. Thomas is survived by his wife Gail; 4 daughters, Susan, Patricia, Trudy and Leah; and sister, Patricia. Prayer service at 11 AM, on Monday, September 14, at Church of the Annunciation, 509 W. 54th St, Minneapolis. There will be a short visitation prior to the service starting at 10 AM. In lieu of flowers memorials are preferred to donor's favorite charity. Private family interment.? 612-861-6088

Michael Lee Beal, Mar. 2024
Michael Lee Beal, Mar. 2024

Michael Lee Beal

October 2, 1943 — March 30, 2024

Ham Lake
Beal, Michael Lee age 80 of Ham Lake, MN passed away March 30th, 2024 surrounded by family. He was preceded in death by parents Arthur and Margaret (Finley) Beal and brother in law Gary Melin. Survived by his loving wife of 56 years, Susan; children Sarah Beal, Nathan Beal, and Rebecca Beal; two grandchildren Ava and Aria Beal; sister Barbara Lanegraff (Edward), brothers in law Bennett Melin and John Melin (Barbara), sister in law Jean Melin; cousins, nieces, nephews and friends. 

Mike Beal was born on October 2nd, 1943 in California to his parents Arthur (Bud) and Margaret (Mickey) Beal. He grew up in North Minneapolis and graduated from North High School. In his early years as a child, he spent endless hours with family in Aitkin, MN on Lake Sissabagamah, where he found a love of the outdoors. After graduating high school, he went to the University of Minnesota where he studied business. While at the U of M, he met a beautiful young woman who caught his eye, Susan. Over the next few years, Mike and Susan’s relationship blossomed and this turned into a love that lasted a lifetime. Susan and Mike were married in August 1967. They lived in Roseville for a short time, before buying a house in North Minneapolis where they lived for a couple of years. In 1971 they moved to a home in Andover where they would start a family. Mike and Susan had three children, Sarah, Nathan, and Rebecca. Mike loved his corvette (which he traded in for children) and RV, and his love for the outdoors continued throughout his life. Mike and Susan traveled the world together taking many trips throughout their time together, visiting all seven continents.

Mike also shared his love of hunting and fishing with his wife and children, never leaving them behind, but always including them, teaching them, and eventually sharing this passion with each of them. Mike’s father Bud took him out to Montana to hunt mule deer when he was a teenager, and they met the Cain family, who was gracious enough to allow them to hunt on their land. This family friendship between the Beal and Cain families has continued to this day, and this is a family trip that we make every year, which was Mike’s favorite trip of the year. 

Mike also enjoyed spending time with his grandchildren Ava (14) and Aria (11). He shared his deer stand with them several times and enjoyed watching them dance. He also blessed them with his red hair!

Mike was a selfless person, who was always willing to put others before himself. His kindness and positive attitude were one of a kind. He never complained and always looked at the good in every situation. He also enjoyed spending time with his church family in worship and fellowship including his Bible Study Fellowship friends. His faith was strong and his love for Jesus carried him through life’s ups and downs, and eventually to his eternal home in Heaven. Mike will be missed dearly, but will never be forgotten.

Memorial service will be 12:00pm Saturday, April 20, 2024 at Family of Christ Lutheran Church, 16345 Polk Street NE, Ham Lake, with visitation beginning at 10:00am. Lunch will follow at the church. Memorials preferred to Family of Christ Church.

Ronald Lee Bell Jun. 2016
Ronald Lee Bell Jun. 2016

Ronald Lee Bell


Bell, Ronald Lee of Golden Valley, MN, age 72, passed away suddenly on June 1, 2016 with family surrounding him. Ron will be greatly missed by his beloved wife Helen Raleigh, daughters LeeAnn Bell (Paul Romslo), Caron Bell, stepdaughter Ilah Raleigh Racine (Claude Racine), cherished grandson Theodore Raleigh Racine, stepson Todd Wetteland, brothers Ward Bell (Vanne Owens Hayes), Steven Bell (Joanne) and Richard Bell (Wanda Burks), as well as many close cousins and many friends. Preceded in death by his wife Avis, brother Reginald and parents Ward and Ruth Bell. Ron graduated from Vocational High School in 1961, earned a MSW degree from the University of MN in 1971 and was a Licensed Independent Social Worker. Prior to retiring in 2009, Ron supervised several groups of staff at Hennepin County for 20 years. These groups included minority advocates who ensured appropriate cultural casework with parents involved in child protection and staff who facilitated community development / outreach at Sabathani Community Center. He privately facilitated support groups for African American men. He was an inspiring mentor to individuals and a leader in many cultural organizations such as MN Black Child Development and MN Black Social Workers. Earlier in his career, Ron delivered direct services to adolescents and elders, served as a Jr. Warden at Stillwater Prison and as the director of Pillsbury House. Ron was an ecstatic fisherman who shared his catch with many seniors. He loved hiking, trips to Jamaica and the North Shore, Tai Chi, Bid whist and the MN Vikings. Memorials are preferred to the Network for the Development of Children of African Descent in St. Paul and MAD DADS in Minneapolis. A celebration of Ron's life will occur at 11 AM Saturday, June 11, 2016 at the Cremation Society at 7110 France Ave. Edina. Buddhist Minister R. Kakuyu Dewberry will officiate. Visitation will be 5 to 8 PM on Friday, June 10, 2016 at Cremation Society and one hour prior to the memorial service on Saturday, June 11, 2016.

Published on June 9, 2016

Richard Paul Bellcour
Richard Paul Bellcour

Richard Paul Bellcour
September 10, 1943 - June 7, 2023

Age 79, of Brooklyn Center, passed away peacefully on June 7, 2023. Richard was born in White Earth and was a proud member of the White Earth Nation. He grew up in North Minneapolis and has lived in Brooklyn Center for the past 50 years. Richard served in the United States Army from 1962 to 1965.

He was preceded in death by his loving wife, Terry.

Richard is survived by his sons, Ron (Terri), and Chad (Christine); beloved grandchildren, Zach (Haley), Sheridan, Shauna, Hunter, and Payton; and great grandchildren, as well as other relatives and friends.

A private interment will take place at Fort Snelling National Cemetery, in Minneapolis.

Robert E. BenedictJune 2014
Robert E. BenedictJune 2014

Robert Benedict

Benedict, Robert Edward Age 70 of Minneapolis, MN passed away Tuesday, June 10, 2014. He was preceded in death by parents Harold and Helen and brother James (Viv). He is survived by children Daniel, Brenda, granddaughter Lizzy, sister Bonnie (Bud) Stay, wife Cindy and many other family and friends. A Memorial Service will be held 11AM, Wednesday, June 18 at Cremation Society of MN, 7835 Brooklyn Blvd., Brooklyn Park with a visitation 1 hour prior. Private interment at Ft. Snelling National Cemetery. Memorials preferred. A special thanks to North Memorial Hospice and Crystal Care Center for their compassionate care and support.
Published on June 15, 2014


Pamela L. (Benjamson) Anderson Nov. 2022
Pamela L. (Benjamson) Anderson Nov. 2022

Pamela L. (Benjamson) Anderson Nov. 2022

Hi,   I am Pamela Benjamson Andersons' daughter,  Ame Anderson.  I regret to inform you that my mom passed away November 16th, 2022 while in a memory care facility in Victoria, MN.  She had heart disease, COPD, and dementia or Alzheimers disease.


Carl A. Berg Sep. 2018
Carl A. Berg Sep. 2018

Carl Berg Obituary

Age 74 of Grantsburg, WI Loving Dad, Grandpa, Brother & Friend Passed away in his sleep on Sept. 25, 2018 from liver disease. Preceded in death by wife, Dee; daughter, Debbie; grandson, Dylan Keith; father Carl (Phyllis); mother, Edith; brother, Larry. Survived by children, Michele (Joel) Hansel, Aaron (Jackie); grandchil-dren, KeOntay (Jordan Vavra), Damian & Madison Hansel, Chelsey (Bryan Eagan), Dahlia, McKenzie, Marcus, Ben Speece, Kip & Jacqueline Stumpf; step-children, Michele Speece, Mike (Kate) Stumpf; siblings, Carolyn (Don) Vance, Joe, Mary Beth (Rob) Ellvold, Dorothy (Donnie) Marschel; many nieces, nephews, other relatives & friends. A celebration of Carl's life 11 AM Sat., Oct. 13th with visitation 1 hour prior at Roberts Family Life Celebration Home, 555 SW Centennial Drive, Forest Lake. Memorials preferred in Carl's name to University of MN Liver Research Fund. 651-464-4422

Carmen(Bernick) Bushey
February 2006
Carmen(Bernick) Bushey February 2006
Carmen M. (Bernick) Bushey 2006
Bushey, Carmen M. (Bernick) age 62, of Mpls. Preceded in death by husband, Gordon; and father, Fred Bernick. Survived by sons, David and Paul (Lisa); mother, Valeria; 1 sister; 2 brothers. Mass of Christian Burial Saturday 10 AM at St. Anne Catholic Church, 2627 Queen Ave. N., Mpls. Visitation Friday (TODAY) 5-8 PM at Washburn-McReavy Swanson Chapel, Lowry at Irving Ave. N. Interment Gethsemane Catholic Cemetery. In lieu of flowers, memorials preferred. Washburn-McReavy Swanson Chapel 612-529-9691
Published in Star Tribune on February 10, 2006
Barbara Ellen (Besner) Price Apr. 2021
Barbara Ellen (Besner) Price Apr. 2021
Barbara Ellen (Besner) Price Apr. 2021
Shari M. Besner Jacobson 
June 18, 1996
Shari M. Besner Jacobson June 18, 1996
Shari M. Besner Jacobson June 1996
Charlene F. (Bethel) Tate
Charlene F. (Bethel) Tate
Charlene F. (Bethel) Tate
Tate, Charlene F. Passed away peacefully on May 9th, 2023. She retired from USPS after 30 plus of service. She was very blissful in her retirement and gained so much pleasure in serving her church family. She will be dearly missed by family and friends. Funeral service will be held on Saturday, June, 10th at Community Covenant Church, 901 Humboldt Ave N. Visitation at 10:30 and services at 11:30. Interment is at Crystal Lake Cemetery.

Published on June 7, 2023


Gaylord Bishop

Bishop, Gaylord John (Gary) "Geigs" age 78, passed away peacefully on May 12, 2022, surrounded by family. Preceded in death by parents John L. Bishop (Byszewski), and Gladys P. (Ponicki) Bishop, and brother-in-law Lee T. Lindholt. Survived by loving wife of 40 years Theresa (Heim) Bishop, sister Renee McCaffrey, nephew Todd (Micki), great nephew Jesse McCaffrey (Ceri), nephew Tim McCaffrey, in-laws Ken Heim, Judy Lindholt, David (Sandy) Heim, and many additional nieces, nephews, cousins and friends. He will be missed by many, including former co-workers at the Minneapolis Convention Center. Mass of Christian Burial will be held at 11:00 AM, on Tuesday May 24, 2022 at Church of the Ascension, 1723 Bryant Ave N, Minneapolis, MN 55411, with visitation at 10:00 AM. Reception and lunch will follow at Mayslack's Bar & Grill, 1428 - 4th St NE, Minneapolis. MN Memorials preferred to Church of the Ascension. Interment Fort Snelling National Cemetery. "I have given all I had, and now it's time to rest."

Gerald A. Blackledge Aug. 2017
Gerald A. Blackledge Aug. 2017

Gerald A. 'Jerry' Blackledge


Blackledge, Gerald A. "Jerry" of Aitkin, MN, born to Helen and Edwin Blackledge, Minneapolis, January 13, 1943, passed away August 14, 2017 at St. Lukes Hospital, Duluth. Preceeded in death by his parents and brothers Mike and Ronnie. Graduated from North High School, Minneapolis and served his country from 1967-1969 in Vietnam. Married Sandra Nelson, Duluth, October 11, 1969 and is survived by his loving wife Sandy; daughters, Michele (Jim) Bergman, and Sara (Cameo) Strong; grandchildren, James, Nicole, Alton, Ethan, and Kellan; sister, Patricia Broberg. Retired in 2013 as a sales representative in the trucking industry for over 40 years. Jerry was an active member of the American Legion, VFW and Moose International. He enjoyed most sports but especially boxing and football. A celebration of life will be August 26, 2017 at the 40 Club Conference Center, 960 2nd St NW, Aitkin, MN 56431, from 3-6 PM (doors open at 2:30). Memorials to Vietnam Veterans of America. Arrangements by Dougherty Funeral Home, Duluth, 218-727-3555.

Dennis D. Blanchard Jan. 2015
Dennis D. Blanchard Jan. 2015
Dennis D. Blanchard Jan. 2015
Thomas H. Booker
January 7, 1993
Thomas H. Booker January 7, 1993
Thomas H. Booker January 1993
Caron (Bosak) Fellner
Caron (Bosak) Fellner
Karon "Caron"  D. (Bosak) Fellner Apr. 2015
Fellner, Caron Age 72, of Amery, WI, formerly of Minnetonka, MN. Beloved Wife, Mom, Sister, Nana, and Friend. Passed away peacefully April 13, 2015 surrounded by family , love , and joy. Preceded in death by her parents, Joseph & Fern Bosak. She will be deeply missed by her husband of 50 years, Mark Fellner; children Mark Fellner (Kristin), Clayton Fellner, Reed Fellner (Stephanie), and Darla Eiden (Glen); siblings Elaine Bechard, Ray Bosak, Joyce Meyer (Harlan), and Margie Schuller; 25 grandchildren; and one great-grandchild. Caron touched many lives with joy and genuine friendship, and loved life in high heels, painted fingernails, and dressed to the nines. She loved to hear about you, to share a dance, and enjoy a Merlot. Funeral service Mon., 4/20, 11:00 AM at the Church of the Incarnation, Mpls. Visitation Sun., 4/19, 4-7 PM at Washburn-McReavy Edina Chapel, W. 50th & Hwy. 100.
Gary W. Braasch
October 7, 1966
Gary W. Braasch Vietnam October 7, 1966
Gary W. Braasch October 1966
Larry Braasch
November 22, 2001
Larry Braasch November 22, 2001
Larry Braasch November 2001
Harley R. Bradley Mar. 2020
Harley R. Bradley Mar. 2020

Harley Ross 'Bumpa' Bradley

  • Harley Ross 'Bumpa' Bradley
  • Harley Ross 'Bumpa' Bradley

Bradley, Harley Ross "Bumpa" Age 77, passed after a long suffering of health issues, 3/14/20. Born on February 1, 1943 in Sidney, Montana. Son of Ross and Jane who are deceased. Important people in his life are his loving wife Betty; children Tyler and Tracee; beautiful granddaughters Alexa, Tess, and Kenzie; siblings Nancy, Linda, Denny, and Dee; loving niece Sheila, husband Marty and children; nephews Billy, Mark, and Chad; extended family and many many wonderful friends. Harley graduated from North High School in 1962. He spent 4 years in the Air Force and had a career of 27 years as a MPLS Firefighter. Known for his creative woodworking skills and jack-of-all-trades, love of golf, being the number one fan at every granddaughters sporting events, and his unconditional love for everyone. A Celebration of Life will happen in the near future. We will all miss "Handsome Harley" dearly and his silly jokes.

Published on March 25, 2020

Joseph H. Brochin Oct. 2024
Joseph H. Brochin Oct. 2024

Joseph H. Brochin Oct. 2024

Joseph Herschel "Joey" Brochin
1943 - 2024
Joey was born and raised in North Minneapolis, home of Brochin’s, the family delicatessen, and attended Willard Elementary, Lincoln Junior High and North High School before matriculating at the University of Minnesota. While still in college he single-handedly managed and operated Brochin’s for a summer so his parents, Ben and Bernice, could take a hard earned and much postponed vacation. He served as a writer and editor for the U of M Department of Social Work and in 1968 became a counselor for the State of Minnesota Division of Rehabilitation Services (DVR), a position he held for the next twenty-four years. For the first twelve years with DVR Joey worked at the Anoka Metro Regional Treatment Center where he specialized in working with people with severe and persistent mental illness. Known for his compassion and empathy he participated on treatment teams, directed psychodrama, relaxation and stress management, reentry groups and did individual psychotherapy. In 1980 he relocated to Minneapolis where he served people in residential treatment and community support programs. Becoming a Licensed Social Worker in 1989, he opened a psychotherapy private practice in 1992. Joey is remembered as a truly gentle and compassionate soul whose prime directive was to help others and participate as a responsible citizen of the community. As such he served on the boards of directors of the Cedar Riverside People’s Center where he also volunteered eight hours a week as a counselor, the West Bank Community Development Corporation, the Seward Neighborhood Group and the New Riverside Café. In 1970 Joey was one of the founders of The Meditation Center and served in various capacities from vice chair to membership director to coordinator of teacher training for the next several years. During this time he developed his own observance of yoga and meditation which he later expanded upon to include holistic healing and homeopathic medicine. In the 1990s Joey began participating in peacemaking circles in North Minneapolis after attending training with First Nations people in the Yukon which began his passion for restorative justice. Experiencing the process for difficult conversations and their impact inspired Joey to bring restorative practices to his home community in South Minneapolis. He was one of the founders of Seward Longfellow Restorative Justice in 2004 and a Seward neighborhood restorative justice circle with the focus of providing support for neighbors experiencing conflict as well as creating community. Joey’s vision and advocacy of restorative justice made an impact far beyond his own neighborhood. Joey is missed and mourned by a large group of dear friends, cousins, nieces and nephews, and the many people in whose lives he was able to effect some small, or large, improvement. He is survived by his wife, Gina Herring; his brother and sister-in-law, Jeremy Brochin and Rina Spicehandler; stepson and daughter-in-law, Morgan and Monica DuShane; granddaughter and partner, Amity Thompson and Dan Handy; grandson and partner, Conor DuShane and Marjorie Davis; grandson and partner, Damian Thompson and Esther Matet; great grandchildren Nicolas Madalyn and Ava Handy, Magnus DuShane, Joseph Thompson and Aviva Saunders; and dear friend Nancye Belding. There was no funeral at Joey’s request and shiva has been held.


Robert Campbell

Campbell, Robert Fawcett Age 77, of Rogers, MN passed away on Monday, August 10th, 2020 after a battle with pancreatic cancer. He was preceded in death by his parents, Sherman & Irene (Fawcett) Campbell of Minneapolis, MN. Bob graduated in 1961 from North High School and had a long career with EGAN at North Memorial Hospital. He enjoyed classic movies, classical music, animals but his ultimate passion were Cadillacs and was referred to by his friends as "Cadillac Bob". Mass of Christian Burial at ST. JOSEPH THE WORKER (7180 Hemlock Lane N, Maple Grove) Thursday, August 13, 2020 at 1 PM with visitation one hour prior. Burial immediately following at St. Mary's Catholic Cemetery. To honor his love, we ask that any memorials be made to The Humane Society of Minnesota. "A Celebration of life" 763-416-0016

Ramona D. (Chilstrom) Pokrant May 2013
Ramona D. (Chilstrom) Pokrant May 2013
RAMONA D. (Chilstrom) POKRANT, 69 MACHESNEY PARK - Ramona D. Pokrant, 69, was welcomed into heaven on her 44th year anniversary on Friday, May 24, 2013. Born in Minnesota to Glen and Marcella Chilstrom. Ramona was a homemaker who loved to cook and take care of her family. She enjoyed knitting and especially the great memories spent together with her husband, Delmer, camping at the Boone Lake campground and other surrounding campgrounds. Survived by husband of 44 years, Delmer; children, John Pokrant and Bernadine Kasper; grandchildren, Heather and Alyssa; brother, Darrell (Vickie) Chilstrom; nieces and nephews. Memorial service at 5 p.m. Friday, May 31, 2013, at Honquest Family Funeral Home with Crematory, Rockford Chapel, 4311 N. Mulford Rd. Visitation from 4:30 p.m. until time of service. In lieu of flowers, memorials may be made to the family.
Published in Rockford Register Star from May 29
Mattie M. Clark
February 16, 2010
Mattie M. Clark February 16, 2010

Mattie M. Clark February 2010
As a volunteer teacher's aide in the 1960s, Mattie Clark began telling stories to children at the former Harrison Elementary School in Minneapolis. Word of her skill spread quickly, and it wasn't long before she was relaying stories about African-American culture learned from her grandmother to students at other Minneapolis schools and beyond. She did that for more than 40 years.

"It grew into a full-time career," said her husband of 53 years, Danny, of Minneapolis. "She'd just pull you in."

Clark died of a blood clot Feb. 16 at Walker Methodist Health Center in south Minneapolis. She was 69.

Although children were her primary audience, Clark spun her yarns at libraries, nursing homes, churches, homeless shelters, businesses and colleges. She was a frequent guest at the Minneapolis Institute of Arts, the Minnesota History Center and the Science Museum of Minnesota, and at events put on by the Twin Cities Black Storytellers Alliance, Young Audiences of Minnesota and Black History Month celebrations.

She won an Esteemed Elder's Award from the National Association of Black Storytellers in 2006 and frequently attended that organization's national conferences.

"Mattie Clark was one of the first people I knew of who did storytelling in the community, long before the rest of us thought of doing storytelling as a performance art," said Nothando Zulu.

In the 1980s, Clark wrote a column called "Diamond in the Rough" for the Minnesota Spokesman-Recorder. In it, she highlighted accomplishments and good deeds done by citizens of her beloved Minneapolis.

"She was very much a champion of the people in the community," said the newspaper's publisher, Tracey Williams-Dillard.

Clark's voice was heard on radio station KMOJ (89.9 FM), where she hosted a gospel music show and interviewed guests.

She was a Sunday school teacher, director of the Women's Department and oversaw missionaries at the First Church of God in Christ in Minneapolis, where she was a longtime member.

Known for her laugh and "being full of sunshine," the graduate of Minneapolis North High School held a number of jobs to supplement her storytelling income, including working at the post office, the Northside Resident Redevelopment Council and coordinating community crime prevention efforts.

In addition to her husband, Clark is survived by two sons, Danny Jr. and Stevan, both of Minneapolis; two daughters, Gwendolyn Kates of Milwaukee and Cynthia Satterfield of Country Club Hills, Ill.; 11 sisters, Bertha Griffin of Benton Harbor, Mich.; Lola Johnson, Annette Anthony, Patricia Anthony and Leniece Johnson, all of Chicago; Martha Causey and Mary Ann Goodwin, both of Robbins, Ill.; Gloria Bean of Blue Island, Ill.; Brenda Peoples of South Bend, Ind.; Tanya Anthony and Floreane Anthony, both of Minneapolis; 11 brothers, Lee Anthony Jr., J.C. Anthony and James Anthony, all of Chicago; Charles Fairchild and Walter Fairchild, both of Los Angeles; Roy Fairchild of Atlanta; Clifton Anthony of Las Vegas; Handy Peoples of Baltimore; Michael Peoples, Andrew Peoples and Perry Peoples, all of Robbins, Ill.; six grandchildren and three great-grandchildren.

Richard J. Coleman Jul. 2021


Coleman, Richard J. passed away on July 14, 2021. He was 78 years old. Richard was born and raised here in Minneapolis, MN. He worked for Metro Transit for 25 years. Preceded in death by his sister Atha; brothers LeRoy and Mike. Survived by wife Elisabeth; his son Robert; brothers Robert and Kenneth; sister Deborah and Caroline; sons Marcus, Todd and Shea. Richard enjoyed spending time with his grandchildren Davian, Kai, Keelan, Kiki, Milan, Makai and Jayvere. Memorial service 1:00 PM on Wednesday, July 21 with visitation one hour before at: Crystal Lake Chapel 612-521-3677 Penn & Dowling Aves N.

Judy (Compton) Grega
Judy (Compton) Grega

Judith K. (Compton) Grega Aug. 2015 

Judith Kay Grega, age 72, of Annandale died on Tuesday, August 18, 2015 at her residence on Clearwater Lake.

    Funeral Services will be held 10:30 a.m. Monday, August 24, 2015 at Our Saviour's Lutheran Church in French Lake, Minnesota with Rev. Edward Groop officiating. Burial will follow at Woodlawn Cemetery.  Visitation will be held 3:00-7:00 p.m. on Sunday, August 23, 2015 at the Dingmann Funeral Care Chapel, Annandale and one hour prior to the service at the church on Monday. A prayer service will be held at 6:30 p.m. on Sunday at the funeral home.

    Judith Kay Grega was born February 2, 1943 in Minneapolis, Minnesota to Verlund "Buck" and Mabel (Nelson) Compton.  Judy grew up in North Minneapolis and graduated from North High School in 1961.  She was united in marriage to Thomas E. Grega on August 14, 1965 at Richfield Lutheran Church.  He preceded her in death on December 11, 1997.  They lived in Brooklyn Park where they had their three children Bryan, Kevin and Stacy.  Judy worked in the secretarial field until they moved to Annandale.  Tom and Judy owned and operated T.E.G.’s Russell’s Bar in Annandale from 1979-2006.  Judy was an active member of the Annandale Community and was loved by all that knew her.  She was a devoted grandma and she had a special bond with her grandchildren Tia and Ty.  She will be missed beyond words by her family and friends.

    Judy is survived by her children, Bryan Grega of Annandale, Kevin Grega of Annandale, and Stacy Grega (Joe Nelson) of Minneapolis; grandchildren, Tia and Ty Nelson; sister, Karen Compton of South Haven; and other family members and numerous friends. She joins her grandparents, mom and dad, husband Tom, sister Barb and uncle Del, all living on in spirit on the shores of Clearwater Lake.  

Murray Joel Cooper
born 11/17/1943 and passed on 12/09/2022. Survived by his wife Betty, son Jack (Brenda), daughter Tina, grandson Joshua, sister Ronnie Burstein and lifelong best friend Marsh Edelstein. Proud graduate of North High School. Murray was a loyal and dedicated executive with Honeywell for over 55 years having won numerous Top Performance awards and the Honeywell Advanced Technology Award of Excellence during his career. Murray's greatest achievements include his work with Israel in exploring promising technologies and products for joint development with Honeywell as well as working with NASA on the Apollo and Orion space projects. Murray was a kind and loving soul that would always be there when needed. He loved playing cards, going for long car rides, and sharing an ice cream cone with our dog Sam. He loved having the family over on weekends and ordering a huge Famous Dave's dinner. Murray was a fighter that never gave up, he instilled that fight mentality into his kids and we wouldn't be who we are without him. He fought until he couldn't fight anymore. Murray lived life his way and went out the same way. They don't make them like him anymore. "We will take it from here dad". You will never be forgotten. Special thanks to Raquel and her staff at Amira Choice in Plymouth for taking care of our dad. Funeral services pending at the United Hebrew Brotherhood Cemetery for friends and family of Murray only. Donations in Murray's honor to Many Point Scout Camp or Pacer. Funeral arrangements by Adath Jeshurun Chevra Kavod Hamet and
Edina Chapel 952-920-3996.

Verna Cornell Carson
Verna Cornell Carson

Verna Elizabeth Cornell Carson
November 20, 1942 - December 13, 2004
Verna passed away peacefully surrounded by family at the age of 82. She is survived by daughters Kelly Rol & Rebecca Carson, 3 grandchildren, 3 great grandchildren & 5 amazing siblings.
Service and lunch Monday, 12/23 from 12-3pm, at Lakehouse Health Care 3737 Bryant Ave S.Mpls, Mn 55409



Joseph E. Cox
Joseph E. Cox
Joseph E. Cox
Michael Coyle 
December 25, 1985
Michael Coyle December 25, 1985
Michael Coyle December 1985
Douglas M. Cram Dec. 2019
Douglas M. Cram Dec. 2019
Douglas Michael Cram of Old Greenwich, Connecticut, died suddenly on Monday, December 30, 2019. A loving husband to Carol Schnur, whom he married in 1968, father, grandfather, uncle, and friend, he was deeply cherished by all who knew him.
Doug was born on March 28, 1943, to Leo and Yetta Cram of Minneapolis, the second of five children. A graduate of the University of Minnesota, he received his law degree from Harvard University in 1968. In 1969, he and Carol moved to Greenwich. He worked for several years at Chestnutt Corporation before going to work for PepsiCo where he spent the next twenty-five years, retiring as Assistant General Counsel. His last brief career was as a school bus driver. In 1999, he and Carol moved to Old Greenwich and built a house where he could enjoy his beloved sunsets on the water.
Doug was the proudest of fathers and grandfathers. His three children, Peter (Margie), Jeremy (Bonnie) and Amy Klein (Eric) and his eight grandchildren, Nolan, Elliot, Lindsey, David, Alex, Hilary, Greg and Freddy, were the joys of his life. He never lost his childlike wonder of even the smallest things. He was happiest in the company of children and would often be seen at any construction site, asphalt paving, or town project with grandchildren in tow. Train rides to New York City were a special treat with GrandDoug as were adventures as simple as a trip to Westchester County Airport to watch the planes take off and land. He also cared for other children, making sure that one side of his driveway remained unplowed so that the children in his neighborhood could sled down the hill.
As much as Old Greenwich was his home, Doug also loved his time with family and friends at the family's farmhouse in Londonderry, Vermont. There he skied, both downhill and
cross country in winter, and enjoyed mowing his fields on his tractor and celebrating the Fourth of July there in summer. On frequent road trips to Vermont, Columbus, Toronto or elsewhere, he never missed a chance to stop at Dairy Queen.
Never a "big party" guy, Doug enjoyed intimate gatherings with his many friends, playing bridge, taking walks at the beach, and walking to town. For someone who claimed to have limited social skills, he had more friends than imaginable.
Doug was witty, funny, stubborn, even slightly eccentric at times. He could not stand injustice and would take issues to small claims court rather than give in to easy solutions. He loved his country and knew how fortunate he was to have been born in a land of freedom and opportunity.
He is survived, in addition to his wife, children and grandchildren, by his siblings Marcie Goelman (Don), Ken (Janis), Stan (Pat), Carol's brother David Schnur (Kicki), and was predeceased by his sister Judy (Ron).
Doug will be sorely missed by all those lucky enough to have known him. There will be a memorial service for him in the late spring.
In lieu of flowers, donations can be made to Kids in Crisis or the Perrot Library.
Published in Greenwich Time on Jan. 3, 2020
Judith M. (Cundiff) Schuyten Aug. 2016
Judith M. (Cundiff) Schuyten Aug. 2016
Judith (Cundiff) Schuyten
Judith M. age 73, died on August 6, 2016 trusting in the Lord Jesus Christ for her salvation from sin.  She is survived by her husband of 18 years, Henry Schuyten, her brother Robert S. Cundiff, her stepsons and their wives, Stephen (Katherine) Schuyten and Phillip (Kristen) Shuyten, grandchildren Alexandria, Donovan and Hope, and many friends who treasure Judy as a precious friend.  By the grace of the Lord Jesus working in her heart, Judy adorned herself with the hidden beauty of a quiet and gentle spirit, loving people generously, honestly and impartially.  Se will be greatly missed but we rejoice that she now looks upon the face of her dear Savior. 
William C. Curry 2021
William C. Curry 2021
William C. Curry 2021
Marian K. Dahl
February 6, 1995
Marian K. Dahl February 6, 1995
Marian K. Dahl February 1995
Milton F. Dailey Oct. 2008
Milton F. Dailey Oct. 2008
Milton F. Dailey Oct. 2008
Penny J. Darsow Bergmann 
May 15, 1988
Penny J. Darsow Bergmann May 15, 1988
Penny J. Darsow Bergmann May 1988
Charles L. Darth Aug. 2022
 Darth, Charles L. Age 79, from St. Louis Park, MN passed away peacefully after a long and courageous battle with Lewy Body Dementia on August 4th. Charlie was a 1961 graduate of North High School. He went on to earn a B.A. and Master's Degree in Business Administration and Finance from Mankato State. Charlie embarked on his first career of approximately 25 years of public service. He joined forces in 1969 with the City of Brooklyn Park and later became the Director of Finance and Intergovernmental Relations. He started his second career in 1993 by sharing his experiences with the students of North Hennepin Community College as a business instructor. Charlie joined the board of a non-profit Housing and Development Company which specialized in independent living facilities for seniors, which appealed to his sense of community. Using his time and talents to help others, Charlie served as a Director of HADC for 25 years. Charlie was humble, unpretentious, and pursued life with hard work, discipline, and tenacity. He will be remembered for his kind spirit, his commitment to others, his love of travel and his family, and most paramount his commitment to his faith. Charlie is survived by his loving wife and college sweetheart of 54 years, Jan, their children - Nicole Walesch (Jake), Hunter Darth (Elizabeth), his grandchildren Madeline, Juliet and Kate Walesch, and Madison, Easton and Taylor Darth. There will be a memorial service at the Minnetonka Kingdom Hall of Jehovah's Witnesses on October 29th at 4:00 PMwith a Celebration of Life to follow from 5:00 - 8:00 PM at Brookview Golf Club, Golden Valley. In lieu of flowers, donations may be made to the Lewy Body Dementia Association.

Published on August 21, 2022

Darlene (Day) Pelkey
September 11, 2005
Darlene (Day) Pelkey September 11, 2005
Darlene (Day) Pelkey September 2005
Robert J. DeValk
June 2014
Robert J. DeValk June 2014
Robert J. DeValk
(September 18, 1943 - June 21, 2014)

DeValk, Robert John, Age 70 of Elk River, MN. Preceded in death by parents Dorothy and Henry DeValk. Survived by wife Beverly; son Robert Jr.; daughter Colleen Dols, cherished granddaughters Isabella and Grace Dols; sisters Darlene DeValk and Linda North; brothers John, Tom (Nancy)and Richard (Susan); sister & brother-in-law Rose and Jim Letourneau; sister-in-law Martha Novak. Funeral service Tuesday 11 am with visitation 1 hour prior to service all at Dare's Funeral Home, 805 Main St. Elk River, Interment Orono Cemetery. Arr. Dare's Funeral Home 763-441-1212.
Steven S. Dolgoff
November 18, 1977
Steven S. Dolgoff November 18, 1977
Steven S. Dolgoff November 1977
Richard P. Draves 
October 13, 2000
Richard P. Draves October 13, 2000
Richard P. Draves October 2000
MariJo (Driste) Renstrom
January 19, 1943 ~ August 25, 2021 (age 78)

MariJo Renstrom, 78, of Baxter, passed away Wednesday, August 25, 2021, at the St. Cloud Hospital.  A Mass of Christian Burial will be held at 11:00 a.m., Wednesday, September 1, 2021, at ST. Andrew’s Catholic Church in Brainerd.  Family and friends are invited to gather one hour prior to Mass at the church and Tuesday evening from 5-7 p.m. at Nelson – Doran Funeral Home in Brainerd.  Interment will be held on Thursday, September 2 at 10 a.m. at St. Thomas Cemetery in Aitkin.

MariJo was born January 19, 1943, in Minneapolis, the daughter of Karl and Irene Driste.  She married Richard “Butch” Renstrom on May 25, 1963, in Minneapolis. 

MariJo will be missed by her children, Renee (Greg) Gorron, Cynthia (Tim) Svoboda, Lori Arriaga, Richard Renstrom, Jr., Valerie (Matt) Deblock, and Jennifer (Chuck) Dallman; grandchildren, Lawrence, Nicole (Scott), Travis (Amanda), Robert (Samantha), Danelle (Nick), Melissa, Selena, Lorenzo, Sawyer, Sadie, Lily, Jamison, and Rowan; great-grandchildren, Jackson, Rilyn, Hayden, Mickey, Louie, Mia, Chloe, and Nora; and brothers, Jim (Judy) Driste and Jack Driste.

She was preceded in death by her husband, Butch; parents, Karl and Irene; sister, Maxine Wilkin; brother, Gerald; sister-in-law, Marilyn; and brother-in-law, Florian Wilkin.
James R. Druk Aug. 2018
James R. Druk Aug. 2018
James Russell Druk 
Druk, James Russell Age 75 of Buffalo was taken from us, Friday, August 10, 2018 doing what he loved - fishing on Buffalo Lake! He will be missed. His grandsons, Caiden and Mac, his outdoor adventures, and the Green Bay Packers were his true loves. Jim is preceded in death by his father, James Druk and his mother, Winifred (Singleton) Druk. He is survived by his daughters, Pamela (Tim) Hunt and Tracy Beauchamp; grandchildren, Caiden, Mac, Amanda, Joshua, Zachary and Elizabeth; great grandchildren, Hudson, Oxlee and Wyatt; sister, Penny (Bob) Franklin and brother, Thomas (Lynn) Druk. Private family services to be held, contact 763-843-8745 for further information. Memorials can be mailed to The Peterson Chapel. Serving the family The Peterson Chapel Buffalo, MN 763-682-1363

Ronald C. Eisenzimmer May 2022
Ronald C. Eisenzimmer May 2022

Ronald C. Eisenzimmer, Age 78, of Brooklyn Park, passed away May 11, 2022. Ron grew up in North Minneapolis and graduated from North High. He served in the Navy during Vietnam, was a proud member of IBEW local 292, coached many youth sports and was a dedicated husband, father and grandfather. He battled courageously in the last months of his life and died peacefully at home. He is survived by wife, Kate née Heck; daughters, Jennifer (Hans) Weyandt, Alysia (Sam) Fleming, Rachel, and Emily (John) Manske; grandchildren, Elliott, Sam, Teddy, Pierce, Luca, Vivian and Vaughn; sisters, Joann (Bill) Lyrenmann, Judy Hertzberg and Carol Hillesheim; brother, Dennis (Linda) Eisenzimmer; in-laws, nieces, nephews and friends. Preceded in death by an infant son, his parents Clayton and Helen; sister, Diane Hilger. Visitation 4-8 PM Wednesday, 5/18 at Gearty-Delmore Robbinsdale Chapel, 3888 W Broadway. Mass of Christian Burial 11 AM Thursday, 5/19 at the Church of St. Raphael, 7301 Bass Lake Rd., Crystal. Private interment Ft. Snelling. Gearty-Delmore 763-537-4511

Mary L. Ellison Chermack 
September 17, 1995
Mary L. Ellison Chermack September 17, 1995
Mary L. Ellison Chermack September 1995
John Fabienke
July 7, 2007
John Fabienke July 7, 2007
John Fabienke July 2007
Patricia M. (Falkowski) Rice Jan. 2020
Patricia (Falkowski) Rice

Mom, you were our first love, our first friend and our first everything.  We were not prepared to say goodbye to you so soon.  You instilled in us the strength we have but little did we know that it was to prepare us to say goodbye to you.
We will look for you in the song of the birds the sweet smell of the flowers the gentle rain against our window pane, and the laughter of little children .  We will not dismiss the coolness on our brow as your gentle kiss, nor the flutter of a curtain on a warm summer night as your hand within ours.  We will know those things are you for you will be with us forever in every way.
We are sure you are looking down upon us asing us ot to cry because you lived your life you way and to the fullest.  Your zest for life was endless marked by the onstant smile on yur lovely face.  Nothing kept you down because you made sure to fight for us.  We know you loved us unconditionally and we are so prou to call you our mother.  We are so glad that your granchildren had you to lookup to as they will remember the wonderful things you did and the fierce love you had for them.
 Your girlfriends for the past 50 plus years of the "Birthday Club", your high school friends, all you have met over the years, friends, with your laughter and your dancing footsteps.  Perhaps they will even join you in your rooting for the Vikings!  For sure we know they will be hanging on your every word as you tell them your captivating stories.
We are comforted knowing that you are in God's hands now.  Our loss is immeasurable, but soo is our love for you.
Patricia M. (Patty) Falkowski Rice age 75 of Richfield, Minnesota, born August 13, 1944.  Died peacefully on Jan 23, 2020 with her beloved family at her side at 6:30 am at Fairview Southdale Hospital.
Preceded in death by parents John J. and Beverly  Falkowski, and the father of her chidren Bill Rice.
Patricia is survived by her five devoted children, Nick Rice, Kelly Rice (Paula), Stacy Lysholm (Kurt), Sue Williams (Randy) and Shannon Brown (Chris).
She was the beloved sister to Judi Berg, Dr. Jon Falkowski, Jim Falkowski, a loving aunt
to several nieces and nephews, a proud grandmother to 9 grandchildren, 2 great grandchildren and 10 step grandchildren.
The family would like you to join them for a Celebration of Patty's life on Sat. Feb. 1, 2020 1-4 pm
Crystal VFW #494
5222 Bass Lake Rd
Brooklyn Center, MN 55429
Nodra (Filipek) Call
Nodra (Filipek) Call
Nodra A. (Filipek) Call Oct. 2012
Nodra Call 69 of Raymond, died Wednesday Oct. 3, 2012 at Rice Memorial Hosptal in Willmar after a long battle with cancer.  Her funeral was held Monday October 8, 2012.  Interment was in Cloverleaf Cemetery in Willmar.
Nodra was born Aprl 30, 1943, in Minneapolis, MN, the daughter of Peter and Olive (Burgraff) Filipek.  She grew up in Minneapolis and graduated  from Minneapols North High School in 1961.  On August 24, 1963 Nodra was united in marriage to Ronald Call at Cross of Glory Lutheran church in Minneapolis.  They had a son and daughter.  Following their marriage they lived in Wilmar, Sunburg and Raymond where Nodra worked various jobs through the years.
She was a member of Crow River Lutheran Church in rural Belgrade, where she served as a Sunday school teacher.  She was also a Luther League Counselor while a member of Calvary Lutheran Church in Wilmar and was also a Girl Scout and Boy Scout leader.
Her family remembers how she enjoyed spending time with her granddduaghters and how she was known as "Daycare Grandma," to the kids at daycare.  She loved her animals, especially her dogs and her favorite was Tally (aka Killer).  Her bubbly personality made her a friend to many and she was always meeting new friends wherever she went.
Judith Fisher
Judith Fisher
Judith Fisher
Norman Fishman Sept. 2020

Four weeks short of 77 years old, passed away in Los Angeles from complications of a stroke.  A graduate of Minneapolis North High School.  A talented fundraiser, he was once campaign director for the Minneapolis Jewish Federation, and other organizations in Minnesota and California.  Survived by wife, Barbara; son, Ari (Julia); and grandson, Lumi.  Due to COVID-19 there was not an in person funeral or Zoom service.  Memorials can be made in Norman's memory to the donor's preferred charity.
Michael FitermanFebruary 21, 2013
Michael FitermanFebruary 21, 2013
Martin Fiterman, age 69 of Minneapolis, passed away February 21, 2013.  Preceded in death by parents, Gerald and Ada.  Survived by wife Andrea; children Betsy (Marc) Rosen, Gerry (Jeremy) Persin, David Fiterman, Stephen (Mercy) Pozgay, Sara (Nicholas) Rawlinson; grandchildren Joshua and Alan Rosen, Sylvia and Jack Persin, Elinor Pozgay; sisters Marilyn (Harvey) Chanen, Charlene (Michael) Plitman; many beloved nieces, grandnieces, nephews, grandnephews, and scores of loving friends..
Elizabeth (Forare) Stueve Feb. 2023
Elizabeth (Forare) Stueve Feb. 2023

Elizabeth (Forare) Stueve

Stueve, Elizabeth After a difficult battle with lung cancer, Elizabeth "Lizz" Stueve passed away on February 12, 2023. She was born in Minneapolis to Swen and Hannah Forare. Lizz was predeceased by her parents, brothers Melvin and Stanley, and infant son, Scott. Survived by her husband Melvin; sisters Margie Zimmerli, Vera Burk, brother Chester Forare; children Eric (Darla) Przybyla, Brent Przybyla, Heidi (Michael) Brady; 6 grandchildren, 2 great grandchildren. Services will be held at The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints at 3920 Douglas Dr. N. Crystal, MN on April 8, 2023 at 10am.

Published on February 19, 2023


Joyce A. (Forster) Masmanides Anderson May 2016
Joyce A. (Forster) Masmanides Anderson May 2016
Joyce A. (Forster) Masmanides Anderson
Anderson, Joyce nee. Forster, fka Masmanides Age 72, of White Bear Lake, passed away May 9, 2016. Survived by husband, Orville; sons, Ken (Tracy) Anderson and George (Patti) Masmanides; daughters, Kelly (Dean) Andrews and Gloria (Mark) Gaffney; brother, Robert (Vickie) Forster; her loving grandchildren and many other relatives and friends. Joyce worked at the main downtown St. Paul Post Office. Memorial Service will be held on Saturday, May 21, 12:30 PM with visitation at 12 PM, Lakewood Cemetery Chapel, 3600 Hennepin Ave. S., Mpls., Interment to follow. 612-822-2171.
Frank Garrett, Jr. 1974
Frank Garrett, Jr. 1974
Frank Garrett, Jr. 1974

James E. Geye Jul. 2023

Geye, James E. "Jim" Jim passed away at the University of Minnesota hospital on July 27th after a brief illness, listening to songs he loved, encircled by family and friends. He was always surrounded by people he loved, and who loved him back. It was the defining quality of his life. Born on March 12, 1943 in Tillamook, Oregon to Harold and Dorothy Geye, Jim moved to Minneapolis as a young child and lived there the rest of his life. He graduated from North High School and attended the University of Minnesota before eventually settling into careers at the YMCA and as a naval reservist, where he retired as Chief Petty Officer. He married Susan (LaBosco) in 1966 and together they raised five kids. Their lives were full and happy, with an enormous circle of friends. Especially memorable were the joyful holidays spent together, long visits to Stony Lake and on sailboats with friends, and the constant and beautiful devotion to family. They always said their greatest achievement in life was their kids (a notion the kids agree with), and their love was unwavering and complete and is evidenced in the tight bond among his children. If there's any consolation in his passing, it's that he might finally get to see Susan, who passed in 2011, somewhere in the great beyond. But Jim had more luck in store, and more life to live. He married Jeanne Olson in 2015, and was embraced by her family, whom he adored and thought of as a great gift. They had a very happy marriage and spent the last eight years of his life traveling, visiting their many dear friends and family, and spoiling their fifteen grand kids. He loved the simple pleasures in life: laughter (he had a great laugh), music, canoeing and camping on Minnesota rivers and in the Boundary Waters, games of cribbage with bottles of beer, watching Vikings games, running marathons, sailing, playing guitar and singing, building guitars, and biking. He was a terrific cook and believed his spaghetti and meatballs were the best (they were third best), and he relished good food and good wine. His lifelong passion was skiing of all sorts. He started as a boy, was a varsity letterman in high school, and took his last run at Lutsen in 2022 at the age of 79. As a young man, he ski jumped at Theodore Wirth Park, his love for the sport enduring through his kids and grandkids. Jim is survived by his loving wife Jeanne; his daughter Gabrielle Escobedo, her husband Tito, and their kids Nikolas and his fiancé Jackie Herrera, and Nathan; son Peter, his wife Emily Hamilton, and their kids Finnian, Cormac, Eisaliese, Beckett, and August; daughter Jennifer Sack, her husband Daniel, and their kids Ana and Jake; daughter Gillian Van Leuven and her husband Brandon; son Tony, his wife Diedra, and their kids Anders and Hanna; stepson Jeff Olson, his wife Wendy, and their kids Patrick and Hayley; stepdaughter Julia Augdahl, her husband Mark, and their kids Kirsten, and Peter and his wife Britta; stepdaughter Leslie Olson; sister Joanne Swenson and her husband Robert; and many dear friends including Jerry and Bonnie Bassett, and Tom and Nancy McCaffrey. He was preceded in death by his mother, father, sister Patricia, and wife Susan. A celebration of life will be held at Jax Café in Minneapolis on August 1st at 4 pm. A private burial at Fort Snelling with be held at a later date. The family suggests memorial contributions be made to the Minneapolis Ski Club 5740 Twin Lake Terrace N Crystal, MN 55429-2837.
Published on July 30, 2023


Mary (Golden) La Palme
October 18, 1996
Mary (Golden) La Palme October 18, 1996
Mary (Golden) La Palme October 1996
Karen (Gryczkowski) Huwald June 21, 2002
Karen (Gryczkowski) Huwald June 21, 2002
Karen (Gryczkowski) Huwald June 2002
Anthony P. Guzzo
November 2, 2002
Anthony P. Guzzo November 2, 2002
Anthony P. Guzzo November 2002
Stanley Thomas Hahn
Stanley Thomas Hahn

Stanley Thomas Hahn
Hahn, Stanley Thomas of Elk River, Born 12/02/43, passed away peacefully at the age of 81 from cancer, at the U of M Hospital on 1/10/25. He is preceded in death by parents, Laurence and Frances Hahn; daughter, Tenise; daughter-in-law, Michelle, and brother-in-law Arthur Johnson He is survived by his wife, Diane; sons Kim, Darrell (Janelle), Jerod (Rebecca); grandchildren, Alyssa Kahl (Jeremy) Grant, Gavin, Jayna, Ellie; great-grandsons, Carter, Mason, and Spencer; brother, Steve (Mary); sister, Carolyn Fiskness (Alton); nieces and nephews, great nieces and nephews, and many friends. Stan taught Sp. Ed. in the Robbinsdale district for 25+ years. He retired as a middle school principal in Princeton, MN. A celebration of life will be held Friday, April 11 at 11 AM at Elk River Lutheran Church, 729 Main St NW, Elk River.
Published on January 19, 2025


Patricia A. Haley Kondrick
February 25, 1996
Patricia A. Haley Kondrick February 25, 1996
Patricia A. Haley Kondrick February 1996
Kathleen A. Hall Wilson Jan. 2020
Kathleen A. Hall Wilson Jan. 2020

Kathleen Ann Hall Wilson
January 9, 1943 — January 11, 2020
Kathy A. Wilson, 77, of Red Wing, passed away Saturday, January 11, 2020 at St. Crispin Living Community. She was born January 9, 1943 to Edward and Gladys (Mikolajczyk) Hall. In 1961 she graduated from Minneapolis North High School. After high school she went on to be a nurse and graduated from St. Mary's University with a bachelor's degree. She moved with her family to Red Wing in 2003 and the most important thing was spending quality time with her family. She enjoyed spending many years in Red Wing living at Jordan Towers. She is survived by her daughter Kari (Stephen) Matthies; grandchildren, Brandon, Danielle, Anthony and Nicole Matthies; sister, Barbara Dorholt; nieces, Kristin (Joe) Bidwell and Jennifer Dorholt; great-nieces, Haley, Maya, Emma and Abby Bidwell.

Patrick A. Halloran Feb. 2012
Patrick A. Halloran Feb. 2012
Patrick A. Halloran Feb. 2012
Harold H. Hanifl, Sr.
January 2015
Harold H. Hanifl, Sr. January 2015
Harold H. Hanifl Jan. 2015
Hanifl, Harold H., Sr. age 71, born in LaCrosse, WI grew up in Mpls, MN. Graduated valedictorian of North High School, at age 15 in 1961. Attended the U of M and played on the Golden Gophers Football team during the fime U of M played in the Rosebowl. Majored in Architectural engineering, math and history. With his skill as a licensed pilot he joined the Air Force and became an air traffic controller and had other jobs during the Vietnam era. In the business world, Hal took his first job as an architect, but he thought it was boring, just drawing lines on paper. Thus began his retail management career. The majority of his career was spent with Zayre Corp., Framingham, MA. He and his wife later owned a Coast to Coast Hardware Store in Paso Robles, CA. Harold Sr. and Rhea Appel Hanifl were married for 44 years. Survived by his wife Rhea; his son, Harold H Hanifl Jr, lives with his wife Amanda in Santa Rosa, CA; his daughter Candice Moore, lives with her husband, Eric Moore in Sparks, NV. Harold is interred in the National VA Cemetery in Dixon, CA. Memorial service February 28, 2015, 1 PM, Atascadero United Methodist Church, 11605 El Camino Real, Atascadero, CA 93422, 805-466-2566. Reception to follow.
Michael T. Hartig 
August 15, 1991
Michael T. Hartig August 15, 1991
Michael T. Hartig August 1991
Jacquelyn Henderson Arbogast December 21, 2001
Jacquelyn Henderson Arbogast December 21, 2001
Jacquelyn Henderson Arbogast December 2001
Barbara Hirt Girtz
Barbara Hirt Girtz

Barbara (Hirt) Girtz
August 22, 1943 — December 2, 2024
Barbara Ann (Hirt) Girtz of Green Bay, WI went to her heavenly home December 2, 2024, after fighting a long and courageous battle with Multiple Sclerosis.

Barbara was born August 22, 1943, as the third of six girls to Irene and Bernard Hirt of Minneapolis, MN. Barbara attended North High School graduating class of 1961.

Barbara spent much of her working career as a legal secretary until taking on the full time job of mother. Barbara has called Green Bay home since 1978, but remained a dedicated Minnesota Vikings fan until the end, even having a Vikings license plate on her wheelchair.

Barbara didn’t let her MS slow her down. She fulfilled her dream vacation to Hawaii and was able to see Graceland, the home of her favorite entertainer, Elvis Presley.

Barbara had a strong Christian faith and enjoyed attending Sunday services. She also enjoyed participating in activities, watching game shows, and listening to music, especially anything by Elvis. Most of all she cherished the letters, phone calls and frequent visits from family and friends especially visiting with her grandchildren.

Barbara was preceded in death by her parents; her older sister Gloria Hirt and brother-in-law Louis Carrington.

She is survived by her children, Lori (Rob) Lowe, Ted (Shelly) Girtz, and Amy (Paul) Besson; her grand children Jordan Wyman, Haley Wyman, McKenna (Ben) Galante, Mitchell Girtz, Maguire Girtz, Joshua (Abby) Besson, Abby (Jack) Rentmeester and three great grandsons Owen and Graham Besson, and Asher Wyman. She is also survived by her former husband James Girtz; remaining sisters Karen Schelberg, Marilyn Carrington, Kathy Holland and Carol Burk.

The family wishes to thank the many services and organizations that helped Barbara over the years.


Michael J. Hofmann Nov. 2011
Michael J. Hofmann Nov. 2011
Michael James Hofmann, Age 67 of Brooklyn Park on 11/10/11. Survived by wife, Sandra; children, Tom, Timothy (Nanci), and Theresa; brother, Warren Oregon (wife Joan); sister, Holly Hofmann; his grandchildren, Melissa (Mark), Kristin (Alan), Jennifer, Michael, Ruth Ann, and Rory; his great-grandchildren, Alison and Breanna and many other relatives and friends. Memorial gathering Tuesday 11/15/11 from 3-5:30 pm at the Cremation Society of MN, 7835 Brooklyn Blvd, Brooklyn Park 763- 560-3100. Memorials preferred to the Animal Humane Society.


Published in Star Tribune on Nov. 13, 2011.
Larry A. Hogetvedt Apr. 2001
Kathryn H. (Holmquist) Haroldson Feb. 2011
Kathryn H. (Holmquist) Haroldson Feb. 2011
Kathryn H. (Holmquist) Haroldson, age 67, of Brooklyn Center, passed away peacefully on 2/5/11. Preceded in death by husband of 45 years, Raymond "Butch"; sister, Diane Mitchell. Survived by sons, Matt, Tim (Racheal), Chris (Jen); 9 grandchildren, 1 great-grandson-to-be; brother, Dale (Lois) Holmquist; sister, Donna Dahlgren; aunts, nieces, nephews, and many friends. A special thanks to the staff of North Memorial Hospice. Private services. Washburn-McReavy Glen Haven Chapel 763-533-8643
To Plant Memorial Trees in memory, please visit our Sympathy Store.
Published in Star Tribune on Feb. 13, 2011.
William Edward Hopkins Jul. 2019
William Edward Hopkins Jul. 2019

William E. Hopkins

Hopkins, William E. age 75, Bill "Hoppy" went to meet Jesus on July 14, 2019 after a long battle with cancer. Bill was born to William B. and Clara M. (Long) Hopkins on July 15, 1943. He married Darlene Flagle on December 6, 1969. They raised two children, Kimberly and William. After graduating North High School in 1961 he enlisted in the United States Navy and served in the submarine service from 1963 to 1967. He worked for FMC in Minneapolis and General Dynamics in Groton, Connecticut. He and Darlene also owned Eagles Landing Resort in Park Rapids, Minnesota and worked at Silver Dollar City in Branson, Missouri. He loved sharing his faith in Jesus, spending time with family, singing, telling stories, writing poems, fishing, traveling, and gardening. Preceded in death by his father and mother, brothers Howard and Timothy. Those who remain, in joyful sadness because of our hope in Jesus Christ, are his wife, Darlene, children, Kimberly (Bradley) Baerg and William (Stacia) Hopkins, brothers Richard and Bradley, sisters Sharon (Rod) Wolma, Dianne Duncan, Donna (David) Madera, six grandchildren, Jasmine, Zakary, and Nickolas Baerg, Lydia, Samuel, and Benjamin Hopkins, cousins, nieces, nephews and friends. A Celebration of Life will be at First Baptist Church, Waterville, Minnesota at 10:00 AM on August 6, 2019. Interment with military honors will follow at Fort Snelling National Cemetery.

Published on August 4, 2019

Connie Howard, Jr. Jan. 2019
Connie Howard, Jr. Jan. 2019

Connie Howard, Jr. Jan. 2019

Obituary for Connie Howard Jr.

Today we celebrate the life of Connie “Mac” Howard, Jr. Connie Howard, Jr. was born the first child to the late Connice “Connie” Howard and Mary Helen (Elliott) Howard on February 29, 1944 in a house built by his father in Camden, Arkansas. Connie Jr. as he was called in his early years, moved with his parents to south Minneapolis in 1948. When Connie Jr. was five years old, his family moved to north Minneapolis where he would live most of his adult life. Around age 11, a dear friend of Connie Jr.’s nicknamed him “Mac,” a name that he would be affectionately called by all who knew and loved him. Connie Jr. gave his life to Christ at an early age. He joined Zion Baptist Church and was a lifetime member. He enjoyed participating in the youth choir in his formative years.

He attended North High School and one day walking home from church Mac met the love of his life, the former Juanita Lawrence. After graduating in 1961, they were married on February 2, 1963 in the old Zion Baptist Church parsonage and would enjoy over 55 years of marriage and commitment. To their blessed union three children were born, Troy, Connie, and Keith. Mac worked at the Armour Packing House for 11 years and when they closed their doors he devoted 27 years to Minneapolis Metro Transit as a Bus Operator. He was awarded numerous safe driving awards and took pride in his work. Mac was multi-faceted, he enjoyed racing cars, motorcycle riding, bowling, playing cards and dominoes, good food, good friends, and family. Since his youth, Mac was a phenomenal dancer and made sure that every person who wanted to dance would get a chance to dance with him. It was nearly impossible to be in Mac’s presence and not be touched by his fun and outgoing spirit and people were always entertained with the stories he loved to tell.

Mac was a good example for his children, their friends, and also other extended family members. His steady presence and firm expectations for his children have shaped who they are today. Many others have commented that Mac served as their guidepost and standard on how to cherish and provide for their own families. As an extension of their passion for love and family, Mac and Juanita opened their home to many young children providing foster care services to 68 different children for the past 28 years. Mac’s profound influence over the lives of so many will be felt for generations to come.

Mac departed this earthly life on Saturday, January 5, 2019 after a brief illness. He was quietly surrounded by his family when he took the Master’s hand and entered eternal rest. He was preceded in death and will be welcomed in glory by his parents, Connie Howard, Sr. and Mary Helen (Elliott) Howard, father and mother in-law Dan Lawrence and Janie (Pace) Lawrence. He is survived by his wife of 55 years, Juanita (Lawrence) Howard, three children, Troy Howard of New Hope, Connie Howard of Cross Roads, Texas, and Keith Howard (Heidi Jo Servaty) of Brooklyn Park, two former Foster Children Marion Garner (Champlin) and Marian Garner (Plymouth). Siblings Sametta Howard Turrentine (Medford) of Allen, Texas, Charles Arthur Howard of (Champlin) and Dennis James Howard (Lisa) of Minneapolis. Mac will be deeply missed by five grandchildren Qiana (Steven Thompson), Trayton, Waverly, KHeiland, KHristopher, and two great grandchildren; Jaylen and Maya. His many cousins, nieces, nephews, foster children, co-workers and friends will also mourn his loss.
Sandra (Huberty) CichJuly 6, 2014
Sandra (Huberty) CichJuly 6, 2014
Sandra (Huberty) Cich July 2014
Cich, Sandra J. age 71, of Buffalo.Survived by loving husband: Ronald J. Cich; children: Peter (Anna) Cich, Paul (Andrea) Cich, Mary (Tony) Murphy, Michael (Sara) Cich & Timothy Cich (Laura Libertus) ; 9 grandchildren; other relatives and friends. Preceded in death by her parents: John & Loretta Huberty. Sandy was a faithful member of St. Francis Xavier Catholic Church in Buffalo and an active volunteer there. She enjoyed family events, fishing, boating, the out of doors and traveling. Mass of Christian Burial 11:00 A.M. Friday St. Francis Xavier Catholic Church in Buffalo. Visitation AT THE CHURCH Friday one hour prior to Mass. Serving the family The Peterson Chapel Buffalo 763-682-1363.
Joan (Hulbert) Kummer 
December 18, 2006
Joan (Hulbert) Kummer December 18, 2006
Joan (Hulbert) Kummer December 2006
Joan Mary "Joni" Kummer

Kummer, Joan Mary "Joni" NOTE: CHANGE OF CHURCH ADDRESS age 63, of Blaine, formerly of New Brighton. Preceded in death by parents, Rev. Richard and Vera Hulbert. Joni formerly owned Step-N'- Style Beauty Salon in NE Mpls. She enjoyed spoiling her grandchildren, family get-togethers, home entertaining and fine dining. She loved being pampered while cruising the St. Croix River on the Andiamo Sternwheelers, Gull Lake Vacations, weekend trips and Caribbean cruises. She was an avid quilter with a flair for decorating. Her smile would brighten the day, and her demeanor would melt hearts. Joni is survived by loving husband, Nick; daughters, Barbara (Tim) Benetti, Pamela (Dave) Hofer; son, Richard (Stacy) Martin; stepchildren, Jim (Jan) Kummer, Dave (Sheryl) Kummer, Thom (Anne) Kummer and Sue (Keith) Koosman; 14 grandchildren (plus one due this month); special sister, Jaci (Hjalmer) Gerloff; birth mother, Doris Bell; siblings, Gene (Bea) Herrly, Dorothy Jean Arnold and Harley Bell. Our special thanks to Doctors Mellissa Geller and Kristopher Kreuger at Fairview University Hospital for their wonderful care and compassion. A memorial service will be held at Parkway United Church of Christ, 3120 Washburn Ave N., Minneapolis, Thursday, December 28, 2006 at 11 AM. The family will greet friends one hour prior to the service. Memorials are preferred to the MN Medical Foundation (U of M) for Cancer Research, in memory of Joan Kummer.
Published in Star Tribune from December 21 to December 27, 2006
Karen P. (Hultgren) Christofferson Nov. 2017
Karen P. (Hultgren) Christofferson Nov. 2017
Karen P. (Hultgren) Christofferson Nov. 2017
Karen P.  Christofferson, 74        
Karen Pearl Christofferson, age 74, of South Haven, passed away Wednesday, Nov. 8, 2017, at Hilltop Health Care Center in Watkins.

A memorial service will take place Monday, Nov. 20 at 11 a.m. at Lake Union Covenant Church, with Pastor Mark Andrews and Pastor Lloyd Melvie officiating. Interment will be at Immanuel Lutheran Church Cemetery, French Lake Township.

Karen was born Jan. 20, 1943, in Minneapolis, to Bert and Pearl (Salmela) Hultgren. She was baptized at home by the Rev. Lassie Stohl, and confirmed at Redeemer Lutheran Church by the Rev. Marlotte.
Karen attended schools in Onamia, Torrance, CA; and north Minneapolis, and graduated from North High School in 1961.

Karen and David Christofferson were united in marriage May 11, 1963, at Redeemer Lutheran Church in north Minneapolis. They made their home in Burnsville from 1969 to 2000, when they moved to their Lake Francis home, near Kingston. They were blessed with two sons, Bruce and Brian.

Karen is survived by her beloved family: David, her husband of 54 years; sons Bruce (Lisa) of South Haven, and Brian (Julie) of Shakopee; four grandchildren: Amelia, Zachary, Will and Greta; and five nephews and their families.

She was preceded by her mother and step-father, Pearl and Fred Hermann; father Bert Hultgren; brother and sister-in-law Craig and Judy (Walberg) Hultgren; and father and mother-in-law Leonard and Beulah Christofferson.

Karen was employed as a long-distance operator at Northwestern Bell, a clerk typist at Honeywell, and an executive secretary at Control Data, before becoming a stay-at-home mom, school and church volunteer, and caregiver to family members.

She was volunteer secretary of Immanuel Lutheran Church in French Lake, and the Immanuel Cemetery Board for over 20 years; and secretary of the Annandale History Club for 13 years. Karen also served on the Wright County Historical Society board of directors for six years, and was a member of the Cokato Historical Society, Cokato Finnish-American Historical Society, and many other historical societies.

Karen took a special interest in local history, and co-authored a Lake Francis history book and Immanuel Lutheran Church centennial book, as well as writing many stories for the Annandale History Club on the Annandale online website.
She enjoyed the beauty of nature, Bible study, West Central Christian Seniors meetings, a Monday breakfast group and Friday dinner group, crossword puzzles, and coffee at Lantto’s store. Most of all, she enjoyed spending time with her family.

Memorials may be given to Lake Union Evangelical Covenant Church.

Arrangements are with Swanson-Peterson Funeral Home & Cremation Services
Michael E. Ingram
Michael E. Ingram

Michael E. Ingram

Ingram, Michael E. passed away on Nov. 28, 2024. Survived by brother, Robby (Mary); daughters, Angel, and Robyn; and grandkids. Services at Estes Funeral Chapels, 2201 Plymouth Ave N Mpls MN 55411 Saturday, Dec 21 from 11 am - 12 pm


Betty L. Johnson 
February 1972
Betty L. Johnson February 1972
Betty L. Johnson February 1972
Carol M. (Johnson) Otterson Mar. 2021
Carol M. (Johnson) Otterson Mar. 2021
Carol M. (Johnson) Otterson Mar. 2021
Carol M. Otterson
Otterson, Carol M. age 77 of Plymouth, passed away on March 24, 2021. Preceded in death by husband Dennis, parents Ken & Grace Johnson, sisters Barb Shepard, Judy Liners. Survived by daughters Diane (Rick) Fietek, Deb (Rick) Peterson, Donnett Barna. Grandchildren, Rheyannon, Travis and K.C. and two great grandchildren: Brother Ron (Jean) Jonson, Tom Johnson and Mary K Probst. At this time, a celebration of life will be set at a later date. She will be dearly missed by many.
Dorothy Johnson
June 26, 2002
Dorothy Johnson June 26, 2002
Dorothy Johnson June 2002
Karen M. Johnson
December 2002
Karen M. Johnson December 2002
Karen M. Johnson Dec. 2002
Kenneth L. Johnson
February 6, 1999
Kenneth L. Johnson February 6, 1999
Kenneth L. Johnson Feb. 1999
Martha (Johnson) Jacobsen
January 2014
Martha (Johnson) Jacobsen January 2014
Martha L. (Johnson) Jacobsen Jan.  2014
Patricia "Pat" Frances (Johnson) Alberg
Patricia "Pat" Frances (Johnson) Alberg
October 16, 1943  -  June 19, 2023
Patricia “Pat” Frances Alberg, 79 of Park Rapids, MN passed away unexpectedly on June 19, 2023 at St. Joseph’s Hospital in Park Rapids, MN.

Born October 16, 1943 in Sioux City, IA to Howard and Geneieve (Eichorst) Johnson, Pat was raised by her parents in Minneapolis, Minnesota with her older sister Judith (Mustard). She attended St. Cloud University where she met her future husband Charles “Chuck” Allan Alberg in the spring of 1962. They then married in November of 1962.

Pat and Chuck had four children Sherri (Larry) Jones of Fargo, ND, Tracy Schuler of Plymouth, WI, Michael (Trudi) Alberg of Bagley, MN, and Cindy (Jamie) Hanson of Fargo, ND. They raised their four children in Minneapolis until August of 1978 when they purchased Northern Star Resort near Park Rapids, MN.

Pat and her family made the resort their home and occupation providing a relaxing and beautiful vacation experience for hundreds of families over their 33-year ownership. Operating their own business was not enough for Pat, she also served as Hubbard County Commissioner. For four years, she advocated for affordable housing, the HRA in Hubbard County to provide emergency housing for women and children, and wetland preservation, by helping create Lake Associations in the area. An active mother and volunteer, Pat was also PTA president, a Girl Scout troop leader, Hubbard County Museum and League of Women Voters.

After retiring from running Northern Star, Pat and Chuck moved to Park Rapids where Pat was able to enjoy her hobbies more. An avid quilter, she cultivated dozens quilts, prayer shawls, and many other projects that she often gave to friends and family, spreading love through her handiwork. Most of all Pat loved her family and always made time for her children, grandchildren, and great grandchildren.

Pat is preceded in death by her parents, sister, and husband. She is survived by her children, her grandchildren Rachel, Nicole (Todd), Taylor, Erin, Morgan, Stone, Jordan, Ethan, Courtney, Genna, and Caleb, and great grandchildren Carter, Kinsley, and Laine.

Visitation is Friday, June 30, 2023 at Cease Funeral Home at 10 AM with a service at 11, and burial immediately following at Lake Emma Cemetery.

Pat’s legacy is fond memories, like her quilts, stitched together with love.

Richard I. Johnson Jan. 2014
Richard I. Johnson Jan. 2014
Richard I. Johnson Jan. 2014

Sharon L. (Johnson) Baker, age 78 of Ashland, WI passed away March 25, 2021. Born in Minneapolis, MN on March 13, 1943. Preceded in death by mother Ilene Learn, father Harold Johnson; and former husbands, Paul Baker and Vern Wentura.
Survived by brothers David Johnson and Roger Johnson; daughter Wendy Cariveau (Mike) and son Kevin Baker; grandchildren Annalisa Bermel (Cody); great-grandchildren Teigan Bermel (5) and Brinley Bermel (3); niece Kaitlin Betlach (Greg); and great nieces Juliet Betlach (4), Cameryn Betlach (2), and Elizabeth Betlach (11 mos.); other relatives and friends.
Sharon loved her real estate and interior design career. In early 2000’s she relocated from Colorado to be near her immediate family for the remaining years of her life.
Outdoor funeral service planned for 12pm, Monday, March 29 at the Greenwood Cemetery, Cty Hwy I, Bayfield, WI. Pastor Mary Meierotto, Bethesda Lutheran Church, will officiate. Private family gathering to follow. 
The Bratley Funeral Home in Washburn is assisting the family with arrangements.

Timothy A. Kairies age 69 of Richfield, MN.  Preceded in death by parents Byron and Eleanor; brother Gene.  Survived by daughter, Cassie (Hamid Fertahi), granddaughter, Vivianna,  brother, Steve (Pam).  Funeral Service Monday 11 am at Gill Brothers Funeral Home, 5801 Lyndale Ave. So.  Interment Fort Snelling National Cemetery.  Memorial preferred to the VA Medical Center.
Gale Kaplan April 10, 2010
Gale Kaplan April 10, 2010

Gale B. Kaplan, age 67, of Oakland, CA. formerly of St. Louis Park. Funeral service WEDNESDAY 12:30 PM, ADATH CHESED SHEL EMES CEMETERY, 38th at Winnetka Ave. No., Crystal. Hodroff-Epstein 612 871-1234
Published in Star Tribune on April 13, 2010

William Karsten 
October 16, 2012
William Karsten October 16, 2012
Bill Karsten
Born: January 10, 1943
Died: October 16, 2012

Funeral services for Bill Karsten “aka as local country singer, Billy Kaye”, age 69, of Pease, will be held Friday, October 19, 2012 at 11a.m. at the Zion Lutheran Church in Milaca with Rev. Stephen Blenkush officiating. Visitation will be held Thursday, October 18, 2012 from 5:00-8:00 p.m. at the Peterson-Johnson Funeral Home in Milaca. Also, one hour prior to the service. Serving as casketbearers will be Steve Miller, Butch Hastings, Bruce Thompson, Allen J. Fox, Larry Fimon, and Keith Cook. Honorary casketbearer will be Mylan Erickson. Interment will be held in the Pease Cemetery.
William Ernest Karsten was born to Ernest and Mabel (Showalter) Karsten on January 10, 1943 at the Bertha Hospital in Todd County, Minnesota. He grew up in Todd County and moved to Minneapolis at the age of fifteen and graduated from North High School in 1961. At the age of eighteen, he started his music career playing around north Minneapolis and Anoka. In the early 1970’s, he moved to Milaca and played music. In the late 1970’s, he went back to Minneapolis, where he played clubs, radio, television, and did some recording. He moved back to the Milaca area in 1989, and retired from playing music and started a mail order business and started driving stock cars. In 1992, he won the track championship at the Saint Croix Speedway in Wisconsin. In later years, he enjoyed buying, selling, and collecting antique cowboy memorabilia. He also enjoyed getting together with old band members and playing music for family and friends.
Bill died Tuesday, October 16, 2012 at his residence after more than a decade battle with cancer.
Bill is survived by his wife, Rolina Karsten of Pease; children, Dorrie (Larry) Goetzke of Milaca, Laura Carpenter of Foreston, Mikki (Allen) Fox of Michigan, Jessica (Jon) Anderson of Willmar; daughter-in-law, Jody Karsten of New Hope; 11 grandchildren; sisters Marge Morawczynski of Long Prairie and Betty Henry of Minneapolis.
He was preceded in death by his parents, sister, Arlene Kulavik, son-in-law, Doug Carpenter, and son, Henry Karsten.
Dorothy L.
Dorothy L. "Lori" (Katz) Schulman Apr. 2024

Dorothy L. "Lori" (Katz) Schulman Apr. 2024

Bernard W. Kehr
July 8, 1943 — October 29, 2020
Age 77 of Plymouth, MN and Lakewood Ranch, FL passed away on Oct 28th. He is preceded in death by son, Randy and ex-wife, Kathy. He is survived by loving partner, Carol; son, Chris (Monique), grandsons, Spencer and David; daughter-in-law, Sue; Carol’s sons, Bradly, David and Craig Amundson; Carol’s grandchildren; brother, Gerald; sisters, Cheryl and Jeanne; other relatives and friends. Bernie owned and operated Advance Possis Technical Services. Due to the current covid restrictions, no public services will be held at this time.



Patricia N. King
June 24, 1983
Patricia N. King June 24, 1983
Patricia N. King Jun. 1983
Gale M. Kirschbaum 
January 7, 1982
Gale M. Kirschbaum January 7, 1982
Gale M. Kirschbaum Jan. 1982
Judith E. (Kittleson) Kearney Feb. 2018
Judith E. (Kittleson) Kearney Feb. 2018
Judith E. (Kittleson) Kearney Feb. 2018


Kearney, Judith "Judi" Eileen (Nee Kittleson) Born to life December 1, 1943, in Minneapolis, MN. Born to eternal life February 15, 2018. Beloved wife of Jim. Proud mother of Shannon (Steve McGraw), Sean (Melissa), Gavin (Natasha Kohl), and Brendan (Elizabeth). Loving Gram to Kayla, Kean, Nevan, Lorraine, Declan, Marion and Leon. Sister of Sandra Ramlet, Leneen Kittleson, and Bill Kittleson. Judi was a 1961 graduate of Minneapolis North High School and 1965 graduate of the College of Saint Benedict. From 1982 to 2009, she taught first grade at Saint Sebastian's School and continued to volunteer there after her retirement. She cared deeply for her students and ensured that each one felt loved. She was also passionate about working for social justice, including through her long-term relationship with the people of Teosinte, El Salvador, where she travelled twice to do humanitarian work. She gave her time and resources generously to numerous charities and causes. Judi was incredibly kind, quick to smile, and had a warm and infectious laugh. She was generous and loving with family and friends and was fortunate to be surrounded by them as she dealt with her illness. She was also a woman of great strength and determination, evidenced in her fight with ovarian cancer and in her commitment to her career and family. She was an unabashed romantic, who loved to dance. She found great peace and pride in her garden. She loved holidays, particularly Christmas, and her "A Visit from St. Nicholas" reading and "Happy Birthday Jesus" cheesecake were the hits of the annual Christmas Eve party. Judi's life will be celebrated at Saint Sebastian's Church, 55th St. and Washington Blvd., on Saturday, February 24 at 10 AM with a reception to follow. Visitation will be at Schmidt & Bartelt Funeral Home from 5 PM to 7 PM on Friday, February 23. In lieu of flowers, contributions to the Marquette University High School Scholarship Endowment, 3401 W. Wisconsin Ave. Milwaukee, WI 53208, and Cheyenne River Youth Project, 702 4th St. Eagle Butte, SD 57625, are appreciated.


Published by Milwaukee Journal Sentinel on Feb. 18, 2018.
David Knoblauch
November 5, 2009
David Knoblauch November 5, 2009
David Richard Knoblauch Nov. 2009
Judith (Koerner)Wenzel
October 11, 2003
Judith (Koerner)Wenzel October 11, 2003
Judy A. (Koerner) Wenzel Oct. 2003
Albert KohnApril 7, 2014
Albert KohnApril 7, 2014

Albert Kohn, Age 70, of St. Louis Park, passed away unexpectedly and peacefully in his sleep on April 4, 2014. Preceded in death by parents, Herman and Helen Kohn; brother, Joel; and infant twin sister. Beloved father and grand- father, Albert is survived by his significant other, Patricia Taly; son, Jack (Ann) Taly; daughter, Elyse (Gregg) Kreger; grandson, Noah Kreger; brother, David (Judy) Kohn; sister-in-law, Caroline Kohn; and many nieces and nephews and lots of friends. Funeral service WEDNESDAY, 11 AM, HODROFF-EPSTEIN MEMORIAL CHAPEL, 126 E. Franklin Ave., Mpls. Hodroff-Epstein 612-871-1234 
Published on April 8, 2014

Judith Koppi Rosso
October 16, 1998
Judith Koppi Rosso October 16, 1998
Judith A. (Koppi) Rosso Oct. 1998
Howard M. Korsh Nov. 2021
Howard M. Korsh Nov. 2021

Howard Marvin Korsh, age 77 of Minneapolis passed away on November 5, 2021. Preceded in death by parents, Louis and Belle Korsh. Survived by beloved wife of 54 years, Diane; cherished children, Les (Jill) Korsh and Tony (Carrie) Korsh; adored grandchildren, Shayna Beth Korsh and Michael Ethan Korsh; caring sister, Jeanne Korsh; loving, brothers-in-law and sisters-in-law, Jack and Marlene Spencer and Allen and Marilyn Sigal; nieces, nephews and many life-long friends. Howard was an eternal optimist with a great sense of humor and was at his happiest when surrounded by his precious family. Funeral Service 2:00 PM on SUNDAY, November 7th at ADATH JESHURUN CONGREGATION, 10500 Hillside Lane West, Minnetonka and will be live streamed at In person attendees for the funeral and shiva must register. To register or to receive the live steam link to service, email Donations to JFCS of Minneapolis or donor’s choice. SHIVA, 7:00 PM on Sunday at the Adath Jeshurun Congregation. Shiva will be available through the same live stream. Masks and vaccinations required.

Click here to share a memory or send a condolence to Howard's family

Kathleen Kraft

Kraft, Kathleen Age 72, of Coon Rapids, MN, passed away on 11/13/15. Retiree of Honeywell/ATK. Preceded in death by parents, Earl and Irene; brother, Charles. Survived by son, Jerald (Rachel); sister, Linda; grand-children, Noah and Morgan. Private picnic to be held in the spring.

Richard A. Krahn
October 14, 1943 - May 6, 2023

Richard “Dick” A. Krahn, age 79, of Mound passed away Saturday, May 6, 2023 at The Good Samaritan Society in Waconia.

Funeral Service Tuesday, May 16, 2023 at 11:00 A.M. at Zion Lutheran Church (121 Bluejay Ave N) in Mayer with Rev Andrew Mussell as officiant.  Visitation 1 hour prior to the service.  Interment in the church cemetery.  The family requests that masks be worn for the visitation and service, they will have KN95 masks available for anyone who needs one.

Richard Allan Krahn was born October 14, 1943 in Minneapolis, MN, the son of Carl and Anne Krahn.  He was baptized at Lake Nokomis Lutheran Church in Minneapolis and later confirmed at Gethsemane Lutheran Church in Minneapolis. He graduated from North High in Minneapolis in 1961 before attending the University of Minnesota where he graduated with a degree in Metallurgical Engineering in 1965.

Dick met Janice Olson at a party in South Minneapolis; it was the type of party neither of them usually went to so they bonded over being fish out of water and talked for two and a half hours. Their first date was to see Glenn Yarbrough at Coffman Union; for their second date they saw the film The Great Race at the State Theater. When Dick told his daughter Laurel about this, he said that Janice "liked his laugh."

ROTC at the U led Dick to the Army and Ordnance training in Maryland followed by missile systems maintenance at Huntsville, Alabama.

On December 22, 1966, Richard was united in marriage to Janice Olson. The Army sent Dick to Germany, where he was first stationed in Fischbach before moving on to Darmstadt where he was promoted to Captain. While stationed in Germany for three years and after Dick left the service, Dick and Janice took every opportunity to travel around Europe; their travels lasted just a few years, but they shared slide shows of their adventures for years to come.

After Dick and Janice returned to Minnesota, Dick worked at a steel foundry.  They moved to their home on Lake Minnetonka in Mound in 1972 where they lived for the rest of their lives. Their daughter Laurel was born in July 1971 and their son Chris was born in July 1973. Their household was also home to a series of Scottie dogs over the years and later on a couple of cats.

It was a proud moment in 1973 when Dick started a proprietary welding business, first located in Fridley before moving to Brooklyn Park, Minnesota. Dick was the president and owner of Chamfer Engineering where they specialized in supplying abrasion resistant steel liners to multiple industries across the United States.

Dick had many hobbies, most of them shared with Janice and their kids. Dick and Janice loved flowers and gardening and were active members of the Iris Society of Minnesota and founding members of the Hemerocallis (Daylily) Society of Minnesota. At one point they had over 300 kinds of iris in their yard, along with many daylilies, hostas, and other plants. Garden tours, flower shows, plant digs, and related social events were a big part of their lives for many years. Once they stopped being active in those clubs, they still enjoyed their own yard as well as trips to the Arboretum.

Dick also loved tropical fish and when he got into a hobby, he went all out. The room most people would consider a "laundry room" was actually a fish room for a number of years, with shelving units filled with 10-gallon fish tanks full of different kinds of tropical fish. A 150-gallon fish tank took pride of place in their dining room before it was moved into Dick's office at Chamfer.

Dick also loved gems and minerals and would go to a different kind of "rock show" than what most people think of. He would take his family to the north shore of Lake Superior during the summer where they would camp and scour the lakeshore for agates and thomsonite.

Dick and Janice both enjoyed collecting art and antiques, among other things; they had season tickets to the Guthrie Theater for a number of years and often visited art museums. Family vacations took them frequently to South Dakota and the north shore, but they also had memorable trips to Hawaii, Florida, Chicago, Alabama, and South Carolina.

Dick and Janice both enjoyed taking boat rides around Lake Minnetonka, but it was Dick who took their kids fishing for crappies and sunfish and the occasional bass.

Dick always enjoyed watching sports, but he was particularly delighted when Major League Baseball brought a team to Minnesota. In 1965, Dick would occasionally skip afternoon classes at the U of M to watch the Twins at the Old Met, where he chose seats in right field so he could get the best view of his favorite player Tony Oliva.

Dick saw Jack Kralick throw a no-hitter at the second Twins game he attended; it was just the first of many memorable Twins games he would see over the years. High points were being there for the 1991 World Series as well as a game in September 2005 where his daughter got married. Dick had a share of season tickets for the Twins from 1984 until 2023 (though, to his regret, he took a year off in 1987, going against his daughter's advice).

Dick was active in his church and was chair of building committees for remodeling Zion Lutheran's church and grade school, and also for planning and building the Fine Arts Center and Media Center for Mayer Lutheran High School.

Dick was preceded in death by his wife Janice; parents Carl and Anne Krahn; father-in-law and mother-in-law Edwin and Florence Olson.

Dick is survived by his loving family: children Laurel Krahn and Kevin G. Austin of Minneapolis, Chris Krahn of Ft. Lauderdale, FL; brother Robert (Cindy) Krahn of Newark, DE; other relatives and friends.

Joseph D. Lachner
September 30, 2002
Joseph D. Lachner September 30, 2002
Joseph D. Lachner Sep. 2002
John L. Lannes Apr. 2016
John L. Lannes Apr. 2016

John L. Lannes, age 72, of Monticello, formerly of Brooklyn Center, passed away April 19, 2016. NSP lineman for 33 years. He enjoyed music, golf, fishing, dancing, bowling and time spent with family and friends. Preceded in death by parents, Leonard and Cecelia. Survived by wife of 53 years, Jean; children, Thomas (Tina), Crisy (Scott) Nelson, Michael (Leatha); grandchildren, Samantha, Taylor, Hunter, Chandler, Dylan, Evan, Cory and Christopher; sister, Karen (John) Friedman. In lieu of flowers, memorials are preferred. Memorial service 2 PM Thursday, April 28, with gathering starting one hour prior at: Coon Rapids Chapel 

Joanne M. Lantto
November 1, 1978
Joanne M. Lantto November 1, 1978
Joanne M. Lantto Nov. 1978
Darlene V. (Larson) McAllister
Age 75 of Minneapolis, passed away peacefully surrounded b y family on Thursday October 18, 218 just shye of her 76th birthdy. She was preceded in deathy by her parents, Verna and Ellsworth; brother, Eugene; and nephew Eric.  Survived by husband of 53 years, Jim; sons, Jim II and Ricky; nephew Gene; nieces, Stacy and Tiffany as well as many other nieces and nephews; and brother and sisters-in-law.  Memorial Service October 27th at 11 a.n. with visitation one hour prior at Kapala Glodek Malone Funeral Home, 7800 Bass Lake Rd., New Hope.  763-535-4112
Donald D. Larson
December 15, 2005
Donald D. Larson December 15, 2005
Donald D. Larson Dec. 2005
Norma L. Larson Antell 
January 21, 2001
Norma L. Larson Antell January 21, 2001
Norma L. (Larson) Antell Feb. 2001
Walter J.
Walter J. "Joe" LaVoie Dec. 2012
Walter J. "Joe" LaVoie Dec. 2012
Bruce Lazarus May 2024
Bruce Lazarus May 2024

Bruce Lazarus March 31,1943 – May 16,2024

Bruce moved to Los Angeles after serving in the Air Force Navigational Aids in Thailand during the Viet Nam War. After graduating California State University, Northridge with a degree in Physics, he worked at Korad and Hughes Aircraft as a Laser Physicist. He changed careers to head Information Services at Western Trimming Corp. (Westrim Crafts). He was an avid collector of toy trains—pre war Standard Gauge and post war S gauge…American Flyer and Ives.  He is survived by his wife, Elaine, of 55 years, son Brian (Heather) and granddaughters Rebecca and Haley.


Stephen R. LeGro Nov. 1990
Stephen R. LeGro Nov. 1990
Stephen R. LeGro Nov. 1990
James J. Lenhart
May 19, 1992
James J. Lenhart May 19, 1992
James J. Lenhart May 1992
Jarl Tom Lepisto Nov. 2021
Jarl Tom Lepisto Nov. 2021

Jarl Tom Lepisto Nov. 2021

Lawrence A. Lindman Mar. 2023

Lawrence LINDMAN Obituary
Age 79, of Blaine Passed away on March 19, 2023. Preceded in death by his parents Arthur and Christine. Survived by wife Diane; brothers Steve and Gerald; daughters Laurie (Rex) Larson and Michelle Lindman; son Nicholas (Claudia); and five grandchildren. Larry has lived throughout Minnesota. Memorial service to be at a later date.

Published by Pioneer Press on Mar. 26, 2023.

Dale E. Lindquist, age 72 or Marengo passed away Monday, May 2, 2016 at Golden Living Center - Court Manor with loving family by his side.  He was born Sept. 11, 1943 in Minneapos to Erwin and Cora (Holmquist) Lingquist.
Dale met and later married his high school sweetheart, Kathleen Bren on Jan. 25, 1964 in South Dakota.  The couple toved to Marengo in the 1970's where they raised their family.  Dale worked for Lakeside Distributing, Van Holzens and Egan's in Ashland.  He also managed Fast Gas and Red Barron for a ffew years.  In 1999 Dale and Kathleen bouth the Wild Cat, which they currently run with their daughter.
Dale loved music and has played in several different bands since the age of 16.  He played guita, bass and sang for many of the bands throughout his life.  Dale also enjoyed playing with his dog Pacer and visiting with friends at the Wild Cat.  He will be remembered for his great sense of humor and his story tell..
He is survived by his daughter Tracy and grandson Vance.  His wife Kathleed passed on May 4, 2016 following his death.
He was precedd i death by his son Vance and his parents.
Arrangements by
Phillip J. Litwin
July 27, 1997
Phillip J. Litwin July 27, 1997
Phillip J. Litwin Jul. 1997
David L. Lochli 
June 30, 1998  Veteran
David L. Lochli June 30, 1998 Veteran
David L. Lochli Jan. 1998

Thomas Michael Lonsky, Loving Husband, Father, Grandfather on Saturday, March 13, 2021, he passed away at the age of 78. Tom was preceded in death by parents, Stan and Liz; and siblings, Roger and Michael. He is survived by wife of 50 years, Patricia Lonsky; daughter, Christine (Ryan) Schunk; grandson Everett; brother-in-laws, Robert (Carol) and Glenn (Kathy) La Chapelle; sister-in-laws, Sandy Lonsky, Lynn Lonsky, Mary Kay (Neil) La Chapelle; also many nieces, nephews and friends. A proud graduate of Minneapolis North High School Class of 1961, Tom's unparalleled love for life and people was known to all who were lucky enough to meet him. Everyone who knew Tom, knew his love of camping, skiing, and nature. Thomas was family to some, friend to many, but kind, always kind, to all. Celebration of Life to be had this summer. Mueller-Bies 651-487-2550

James E. Lowrie
September 17, 1974
James E. Lowrie September 17, 1974
James E. Lowrie Sep. 1974
Donald A. Lundstrom Oct. 2020
Donald A. Lundstrom Oct. 2020

Donald A. Lundstrom
age 77, of Rogers passed away October 27, 2020. Preceded in death by parents Willard and Margaret Lundstrom. Survived by wife, Georgia; daughters Diane (Rick) Fietek, Debra (Rick) Peterson and Donnett Barna; step-children Kris (Matt) Combs, Larry (Laurie) Krause; grandchildren Rheyannon, Travis, Kassidy, Drew, Alli, Kami, Jack, Emily, Lucy and 3 great-grandchildren; sisters Carol Lundstrom, Janet (Doug) Lund strom, Jackson (Ben) Daviss, brother Jim Lundstrom (Kathy) and family. Don graduated from Minneapolis North High School. He served 4 years active duty in the US Navy. He retired from Hennepin County Public Works after 39 years. Don enjoyed golf, fishing and visiting casinos. Per Don's request, there will be no services or celebration of life. As Don would always say: "Just put a smile on your face and remember the good ole days." He will be missed by many.


Ann M. (Malbon) Tollefson Sep. 2004
Ann M. (Malbon) Tollefson Sep. 2004
Ann Marie (Malbon) Tollefson
Tollefson (nee Malbon) Ann Marie Tollefson, age 60, of Ramsey, passed away Sept. 23, 2004 after a courageous battle with cancer. She worked at Federal-Hoffman for over 15 years.  preceded in death by infant daughter, Wendy Jean.  Survived by husband, Darrel; son, David; daughters, Teresa Tollefson and Kari (Craig) Johnson; grandchildren, Jacob and Matthew Morse, Bryce Johnson; brothers, Ron and Bob (Sue) Malbon; sister, Sandra (Tom) Doucet; many nieces, nephews, other relatives and friends. Funeral service Wednesday, 11 AM, with reviewal one hour prior at Thurston-Lindberg Funeral Home, W. Main St. & Branch Ave., Anoka. Visitation Tuesday, 5-8 PM.  Private interment, Calvary Cemetery. In lieu of flowers, memorials preferred to American Cancer Society. Thurston-indberg 763-421-0220
Dennis M. Marthaler 
January 6, 1986
Dennis M. Marthaler January 6, 1986
Dennis M. Marthaler Jan. 1986
Freddrick W. Martin Jan. 2001
Laura McTague
Laura McTague
Laura B. McTague 2005
Larry G. Miller
May 19, 1982
Larry G. Miller May 19, 1982
Larry G. Miller May 1982
Merl D. Miller Sep. 2018
Merl D. Miller Sep. 2018

Merl D. Miller

Miller, Merl D. Age 75, of Elk River, passed away on Sept. 6, 2018. Preceded in death by brother, Marvin "Pete" Miller; nephews, Peter and Tom Miller; parents, Merl and Mertice Miller. He will be deeply missed by his wife of 50 years, Dolores Miller; children, Jarod Miller, Jina Miller, Niki Miller (Adam); grandchildren, Jesse, Raegan, Devin and Luca; brother, Milton Miller (Tina); sister-in-law Jeanette Miller; many relatives and great friends. Per his wishes, private family services.

Published on September 9, 2018

Joseph S. Mitchell
November 28, 2003
Joseph S. Mitchell November 28, 2003
Joseph S. Mitchell Nov. 2003
Mitchell, Joseph Sidney Mitchell, age 60, of Mpls. Preceded in death by daughter, Kim Powell. Survived by children, Todd, Bridgett, Scott, Brandon, Gene, Justin, Ross nd Adam Mitchell; grandchildren, David & Daniel Powell, Aja, Andre, Mario, Kevon, Sidney & Jaden Mitchell, Brittany Williams, Brittany, Angel, Samantha & Alaon Mitchell; sister, Gloria Bowman; nieces, nephews, other relatives and friends. Funeral Friday, 2 PM at Lakewood Cemetery Chapel, 36th & Hennepin Ave S. Entombment Lakewood. Visitation Thursday, 5-8 PM at Gearty-Delmore Robbinsdale Chapel, 39th & W. Broadway and at Lakewood 1/2 hour before service. Gearty-Delmore
Paul Moe Kamp AndrewsSept. 10, 2016
Paul Moe Kamp AndrewsSept. 10, 2016

Paul Kamp (Moe) Andrews, 74. Left us unexpectedly Sept. 10, 2016. Preceded in death by his parents Paul and Maria Moe. Survived by his beloved daughter Kristin Noelle Andrews and her mother Peni Andrews, Los Angeles, CA; sisters Karen Moe Cain (Michael) Roseville MN, and Marilyn Brown (Nelson), Maiden Rock WI; nieces and nephews. Services pending, all will be notified. He was a professional hair stylist in the Metro area over the past 45 years. Kamp was a colorful character.
Published on September 24, 2016, Minneapolis StarTribune

John Moen
March 3, 2011
John Moen March 3, 2011
John L. Moen Mar. 2011
Moen, John L. 68, Hudson, died suddenly, Thursday, 3/3, at his home. Funeral Mass 11a.m., Monday, 3/7, at St. Bridget Catholic Church, 211 E. Division St., River Falls, WI. Vis. 3pm- 7pm Sunday at the church and one hour prior to the service Monday.
Jacqueline (Morrison) Anderson
April 22, 2014
Jacqueline (Morrison) Anderson April 22, 2014
Jacqueline A. (Morrison) Anderson Apr. 2014
Marguerite A. (Muller) Pakkala Jan. 2024
Marguerite A. (Muller) Pakkala Jan. 2024

Marguerite Aurora (Muller) Pakkala
Pakkala, Marguerite Aurora Age 80, of Bloomington, passed away peacefully January 24, 2024, surrounded by her loving family and was welcomed into the loving arms of her Savior. Preceded in death by her parents, Rudolph and Gladys Muller, Marguerite made a lasting impression on all those who knew her and was loved dearly by her family and friends. She is survived by her husband of 60 years, Michael Pakkala Sr; her children, Michael Jr (Rhonda) Pakkala, Timothy (Kristine) Pakkala, Andrea (Jeffry) Heronimus, Heidi (Bradley) Ragan, 9 grandchildren, 1 great granddaughter, and sister Shirley (Butch) Hawks. Funeral service Friday February 2, 2024, 11 AM at St. Michael's Lutheran Church 9201 Normandale Blvd, Bloomington. Visitation Thursday February 1, 2024, 5-7 PM at Gill Brothers Funeral Home 9947 Lyndale Ave S, Bloomington. There will also be visitation 1 hour prior to the funeral service. In lieu of flowers, the family requests donations to the St. Michael's Lutheran Church Comfort Dog Program. Checks may be made out to St. Michael's with "Comfort Dog" in the memo.

Published on January 28, 2024

Richard D. Nafstad
April 22, 1983
Richard D. Nafstad April 22, 1983
Richard D. Nafstad Apr. 1983
Terrance Nagle
November 11, 2008
Terrance Nagle November 11, 2008
Terrance M. "Terry" Nagle

Nagle, Terrance M. "Terry" Age 65, of Plymouth, passed away November 11, 2008. Following a lengthy illness, he died peacefully at home surrounded by family, as was his wish. Survived by his loving wife of 45 years, Claire; daughters, Sheri (Mark) Rue, Kimberly (Norbert) Kusters, Monica (Elling) Olson; son, Sean (fiancée Yana); and grandchildren, Mackenzie, Mitchell, Emma, Madeline, Ethan, and Zachary. Preceded in death by brothers, Jerry, Ed, Jim, Larry, and Pat. Terry was devoted to his family and his faith, active for many years as a court reporter in Hennepin County, and was an accomplished golfer whose passion for the game inspired many. A special thank you to the many wonderful doctors and nurses who were paramount in Terry's care. Visitation Sunday 4-6 PM with 5:30 PM prayer service at Gearty-Delmore Plymouth Chapel, 15800 37th Ave N. & Vicksburg Lane. Mass of Christian Burial 10:30 AM Monday (preceded by 1 hour visitation) at Holy Name of Jesus Catholic Church, 155 Cty. Rd. 24, Wayzata. Interment Gethsemane Cemetery, New Hope. Memorials to the Pulmonary Hypertension Association or the Scleroderma Foundation. Gearty-Delmore 763-553-1411
Published in Star Tribune from November 13 to November 16, 2008
Thomas Neadle Oct. 2022
Thomas Neadle Oct. 2022

Thomas George Neadle


Neadle, Thomas George Age 80, of Golden Valley, passed away peacefully on October 20, 2022. Preceded in death by parents, George D. Neadle and Alice L.M. Neadle. Survived by sister, Jeanette L. Rondestvedt, nephews David Rondestvedt, Stephen Rondestvedt, Paul (Kelly) Rondestvedt, niece Ann (Christophe) Cazaban, four grand- nephews and four grand-nieces. Tom was a graduate of North High School, Class of 1961, and was a 40-plus year employee of the Minneapolis Veteran's Hospital. Tom was musically gifted from an early age, learning the piano and, in his teens, studying the organ. At age 17, he began playing the organ for Plymouth Apostolic Lutheran Church, a position he held for over 60 years. He was a long-time member of the Land O' Lakes chapter of the American Theater Organ Society. He regularly attended their annual conventions throughout the United States and, locally, played for audiences at the Heights Theatre and at the James J. Hill house. He even had a pipe organ in his home and, after moving to the Calvary Center Cooperative in 2008, had a smaller pipe organ constructed for his condominium there. Tom also had a lifelong love of trains. As a member of the Minnesota Transportation Museum, he gave tours at the Jackson Street Roundhouse and volunteered on their restored trains in Osceola, Wisconsin. He was an excellent historian of the railroad with an encyclopedic knowledge of virtually anything related to rail travel. His family will miss his kind presence and his ability to entertain at family gatherings by playing any requested song. We also wish to thank the staff on 7 West at North Memorial Hospital, as well as the staff at St. Therese of New Hope for their kind and compassionate care. A funeral service will be held at 11:00 a.m. on Monday, October 31, 2022 at Washburn McReavy Crystal Lake Chapel, 3816 Penn Avenue North, Minneapolis, MN 55412, with visitation one hour beforehand. Interment at Crystal Lake Cemetery to follow. Crystal Lake Chapel 612-521-3677

Thomas George Neadle was a lifelong pipe organ player, providing hymns and showtunes alike.

If you put Thomas George Neadle in front of the keyboard and pedals of a pipe organ, he'd play — hymns, show tunes and classical music.
Neadle, who taught himself as a teenager, played the "king of instruments" at churches, theaters and the grandest mansion in town.
He was a church organist for more than 60 years, but he also entertained moviegoers playing the WCCO Mighty Wurlitzer before Friday night shows at the historic Heights Theater in Columbia Heights. He also performed on the residential pipe organ in the James J. Hill House in St. Paul, demonstrating what home entertainment sounded like if you were part of the 1% during the Gilded Age.
Neadle, of Golden Valley, died Oct. 20. He was 80. He was born in Minneapolis and grew up in the Bryn Mawr neighborhood. His sister, Jeanette Rondestvedt, said her brother showed a talent for music at an early age.
While her parents made her take piano lessons, her brother could play by ear songs that she was struggling to learn, even though he was four years younger.
When Neadle was 17, he heard that a nearby church needed an organist. Even though he hadn't played the organ, he got the job after learning to play by watching others do it.
He played at services at the church, which later became the Plymouth Apostolic Lutheran Church, almost up to his death.
"I think you would be hard pressed to find someone in Minnesota who played church organ longer than Tom," said Neadle's nephew, Stephen Rondestvedt.
Neadle graduated from North High School and later received some formal organ instruction at the University of Minnesota. He learned how to play showbiz music on theater organs and was a member of the Land O'Lakes chapter of the American Theatre Organ Society.
With his death, there are now only a handful of people left in the state with experience playing theater organs, which can make sounds ranging from train whistles to marimbas, according to Ed Copeland, head organist at the Heights Theater.
People who knew Neadle said he was quiet and introverted until he got in front of a keyboard.
"There was always music if possible if he was around," said Stephen Rondestvedt. "He was up there playing because he loved it."
Neadle was employed for more than 40 years doing administrative work at the Minnesota Veterans Home in Minneapolis.
He also was a train enthusiast, historian and a longtime member and volunteer for the Minnesota Transportation Museum, acting as a docent at the Jackson Street Roundhouse in St. Paul and volunteering on the museum's restored trains in Osceola, Wis.
"When he would go to theater organ conventions, he took the train when he could," said Stephen Rondestvedt.
Barb Sheldon, office manager for the Minnesota Transportation Museum, believes Neadle was one of the museum's founding members when it was formed in 1962 to restore a trolley car, which became part of the streetcars now operated by the Minnesota Streetcar Museum in Minneapolis.
"He was a very active member here for as long as the museum was in existence," Sheldon said.
Neadle lived much of his life in his childhood home in Minneapolis, where he had an organ with more than 1,500 pipes installed. He later acquired a smaller organ when he moved to a condominium at the Calvary Center Cooperative in Golden Valley in 2008.
After a neighbor noticed Neadle hadn't picked up his newspaper or played his organ as usual, it was discovered that he had fallen. He later developed COVID and an infection and his health continued to decline until he died.
There was a memorial gathering at the Heights Theater in November. Organ music was played in his honor. Neadle was survived by his sister, Jeanette Rondestvedt.

Published on October 26, 2022

Richard Nelson 1989
Richard Nelson 1989
 Richard A. Nelson 1989
Rodney Norberg
August, 14, 1971
Rodney Norberg August, 14, 1971
Rodney A. Norberg Aug. 1971
Barbara Ann (Nordstrom) Walz Dec. 2015
Barbara Ann (Nordstrom) Walz Dec. 2015
Barbara Ann (Nordstrom) Walz Dec. 2015
Age 72 of Bonita Springs, FL and Champlin, MN passed away unexpectedly on December 20.  Preceded in death by her loving husband, Robert (Bob), parents Morgan and Hazel, brothers Marty and Richard Nordstrom.  Survived by children, Scott Walz of Oakland, CA, Laurie (Todd) Peterson of Champlin, and Jason Walz of Minneapolis, grandchildren, Joshua Rolf-Walz, Jack and Emily Peterson, brothers Dennis, Dale (Cheryl), Dean and sister Gail (Randy) Ceaser, nieces, nephews, relatives and countless friends.  Granduated from North High School in 1961.  Was married to the love of her life, Bob, until he passed away in 2013.  She enjoyed spending time with her family and friends, Minnesota summers, the pool and beach in sunny Florida, and especially the sunsets over the gulf.  Memorial gathering on Tuesday, December 29th.  Service at 11:00 a.m., visitation 1 hour prior with a luncheon to follow at Servant of Christ Lutheran Church, 740 E. Hayden Lake Road, Champlin.  Memorials preferred to the American Heart Association.

Thomas D. Norling, age 77, died of cancer at Ridgeview Medical Center in Waconia on May 6, 2021. He was preceded in death by his mother, Lillian Norling. He was born in Minneapolis June 20, 1943 and graduated from Mpls. North High School in 1961. He retired in 2000 after 35 years with Pan-O-Gold Baking Co. (Holsum Bread). "Captain Tom" enjoyed boating on Lake Minnetonka with friends, family parties on the deck, and fishing...especially annual Walleye trips to Canada with the guys. A world traveller, Tom rode a camel in Egypt, walked the Great Wall of China, and stood on an iceberg in Patagonia. He is survived by wife Jane of 33 years; sons Michael (Susan), Todd, and Chad (Angie); grandchildren David (Jessica), Samantha (Jacob Street), Taylor, Nicole (Tommy Becker), Benjamin, Natalie (Norris Bonnor), Jacob, and Eliza; 6 great- grandchildren (plus a 7th waiting to be born in July); mother of the children Pat (Roger) Bandell; brothers Lloyd, Don (Jane), and Joel (Laura); nieces, nephews, and special friend Frank Babcock (Denise). A private family celebration of his life, will include planting of his ashes. Memorial gifts may be directed to Red Lake Rosie's Rescue- Building Fund ( or the animal rescue group of the donor's choice.


Aelred J. Noska Jr. Oct. 2019
Aelred J. Noska Jr. Oct. 2019
SSGT Aelred J. Noska, Jr., USAF, Ret.

In Loving Memory

Aelred (Al) Noska, 76, of Sparks, Nevada, passed away on Saturday, October 12, 2019. He is lovingly remembered by his daughter Deidre Beirle; his grandchildren, Lauren, Aaron, and Aimee; his sister Joanne Fogelman and his niece Teresa Socorso Brown. A private memorial will be held by the family. In lieu of flowers, the family asks for donations to 'Homes for Veterans' in honor of Al's proud service to the US Air Force.
Eleanor (Noska) Socorso
Eleanor (Noska) Socorso
Katherine Eleanor "Ellie" (Noska) Socorso,, 70 of Martinsburg, WV joined the heavenly Host on Tuesday, September 30, 2014 at the Berkely Medical Center.
Born December 12, 1943 in Minneapolis she was the daughter of the late Aelred John and Ann Noska.  She is survived by her husband of 49 years, Michel Joseph Socorso; one daughter, Teresa M. Socorso Brown and husband Brian; one son-in-law Russell Ferrebee; mother-in-law Elizabeth A. Socorso; two grandchildren, Michael B. Deckman and Trevor J. Deckman; one brother, Aelred J. Noska and wife, Dee; and one sister, Joanne Fogleman and her husband Arthur.  She was preceded in death by a daughter Lisa R. Socorso Ferrebee.
Memorial Service will be held on Friday, October 3, 2014 at 11:00 a.m. at the Brown Funeral Home with Father Brian Shoda officiating.
In lieu of flowers memorial contributions may be made to the American Heart Association.
Bruce Nyberg 
January 8, 2008
Bruce Nyberg January 8, 2008
Bruce Nyberg
Funeral services for Bruce Harry Nyberg, 64, of Milaca were held Saturday, Jan. 12, 2008 at the Milaca Evangelical Free Church with the Rev. Mike Johnson officiating. Pallbearers were Shelly Stenstrom, Carrie Eckert, Cliff Morgan, Jim Morgan, Eric Nyberg and Brandon Nyberg. Honorary pallbearers included Deb Haberman and Shane Morgan. Music was provided by Rommel Carlson. Military honors were provided by Hansen-Hayes American Legion Post #178 and Siemers-Hakes VFW Post #10794. Burial followed at the Forest Hill Cemetery in Milaca.
Bruce died on Tuesday, Jan. 8, 2008 at his home in Bogus Brook Township from the results of cancer.
He was born Feb. 24, 1943 to Philip and Phyllis (Lindquist) Nyberg in Brooklyn Center, Minn. He attended North High School and graduated in 1961. He entered the U.S. Air Force where he served from 1961 to 1964 and was stationed in Guam. He was united in marriage to Betty Ann Johnson on June 18, 1983 in Becker, Minn. The couple resided in Zimmerman and most recently in Milaca. Bruce worked as a bus driver for MTC and Voigt Bus Companies. Bruce had 24 years of safe driving and 30 years of service with MTC. He enjoyed fishing, camping, traveling and reading. He especially enjoyed teasing and spending time with his grandchildren.
He is survived by his wife Betty; children, Shelly (Brett) Stenstrom of Hibbing, Cliff (Becky) Morgan of Becker, Debbie Haberman and friend, Jim Richert of Clear Lake, Eric (Christina) Nyberg of St. Cloud, Jim (Tammy) Morgan of St. Cloud, CarrieAnn Eckert of Minneapolis, Shane (Kandi) Morgan of Princeton, Brandon (Annette) Nyberg of Cold Spring; 26 grandchildren; three great-grandchildren; one sister, Gail (Lee) Carlson of Sparks, Nev.; also by many nieces and nephews.
He was preceded in death by his parents and granddaughter, Naomi.
Arrangements were by the Peterson-Johnson Funeral Home of Milaca.
Gary Nylander
Gary Nylander
Gary E. Nylander Dec. 2015
Gary E. Nylander passed away peacefully just before sunset on December 26, at the age of 72 after a long battle with a variety of illnesses.  Preceded in death by his parents Helen (Szachniewicaz) and Paul N. Nylander, brother Fred Moe and grandson Alasdair Gullickson.  Survived by his wife of 47 years Kathy Nylander; children Paul (Beth Ann) Nylander and Sarah (Hunter) Gullickson; grandkids Simon and Kagan; sister Joanne (Ivan) Shobe; and nieces and nephews from the Midwest to the West Coast.  After graduation from North High in Minneapolis, Gary started his journalism career as an Airforce Airman First Class in the early 60's, reporting in Wyoming and Korea, before starting work at the Star & Tribune's promotion department in 1965.  Working as a tour guide at the paper while in college at the U of M, Gary soon became a full time copywriter, earning numerous writing awards and accodales before ending his almost 30 year career in 1993.  He was an active Minnesota DFL'er his entire life, regularly followed all the local college and professional sports teams, and was always ready with an opinion on either topic.  He enjoyed word puzzles and scrabble, but especially liked card games.  As he regularly enjoyed walleye fishing up North, he took a retirement job at Gander Mountain for several years to help support his hobby until a battle with cancer finally slowed him down.  He won the battle spending most of his remaining 13 years enjoying weekends at the cabin with friends or time at home with his grandkids.  Memorial service 7:00 p.m. Wednesday December 30th at Gearty-Delmore Funeral Chapel, 39th Ave N and West Broadway, Robbinsadel N.  Visitation from 5:00 p.m. until the time of service on Wedsnesday at the funeral home.  Memorial preferred to donor's choice.  
Patrick R. O'Brien Jun. 2018
Patrick R. O'Brien Jun. 2018
Patrick R. O'Brien

O'Brien, Patrick R. Age 75 passed away June 14, 2018. Preceded in death by parents, Luverne and Deadina and brother-in-law, Ted Marble. Survived by son, Michael; daughter, Jennifer (Michael), and very best favorite granddaughter, Adaline, and dearest Bobbi; sisters, Beverly, Evelyn (Daniel), Nancy, Carmen (Brian), Sheila; brothers, Michael (Connie), Thomas (Bonnie) and nieces and nephews. Pat was a Minneapolis school teacher for thirty years. He spent his life in service to the Beloved Community. Three things will last forever - faith, hope, and love - and the greatest of these is love. A private celebration of life will be held at a later date.


Published on June 24, 2018

Thomas P. O'Brien Oct. 2021
Thomas P. O'Brien Oct. 2021

Thomas P. O'Brien Oct. 2021

Faye Ann Olander Coates 
October 21, 1994
Faye Ann Olander Coates October 21, 1994
Faye Ann (Olander) Coates Oct. 1994
Raye Olander
December 10, 1985
Raye Olander December 10, 1985
Raye A. Olander Dec. 1985
Diane G. (Oxborough) Hasse Dec. 2022
Diane G. (Oxborough) Hasse Dec. 2022

Diane Gayle (Oxborough) Hasse, Age 79, of Maple Grove, passed away unexpectedly from preventative heart attack surgery with her family by her side. She is preceded in death by her mother, Phillis Manson, Auntie Norma & Uncle Harold Sklar; brothers, Jeff & Steve Manson. Survived by loving husband of nearly 60 years, Gordy; children, Melody (Brian) Hach, Mark (Stacy) Hasse; grandchildren, Alexandra Hach, Samuel, Seth and Vincent Hasse; siblings, Sandy (Roy) Edlund & Jerry (Lois) Oxborough; nieces, nephews and a loving network of dear friends. Diane enjoyed winters in FL with her husband, cherishing every sunset on the beach. She adored her sweet grandchildren and loved her "high school gals" from North High - her warm smile and special grace will be deeply missed. Funeral service at LORD OF LIFE LUTHERAN CHURCH (7401 Cty. Rd. 101) on Monday, December 19th, 2022 at 11AM with visitation one hour prior. Service will be live streamed at "A Celebration of Life" 763-416-0016

Published on December 18, 2022

Ronald A. Patten
Ronald A. Patten 1995
Ronald A. Patten 1995
Theodora M. Patterson
June 6, 2011
Theodora M. Patterson June 6, 2011
Theodora M. Patterson Jun. 2011
In Memory of
Theodora M. Patterson
July 5, 1942 - June 6, 2011
Theodora M. Patterson was born on July 5, 1942 in Minneapolis, MN. Passed away peacefully at the family home on June 6, 2011. Our Dora graduated from Minneapolis North High School class of 1961. Dora was a devoted family person caring for many family members throughout her life. After high school Dora began working at Powers Department Store. Later employed as a seamstress in the family business. She retired in 2005, after 34 years of service as an employee at Community Hospital Linen Services. She was a person who enjoyed cooking for family and close friends, traveling, singing and listening to Dionne Warwick. Dora especially loved...
Theodore Patterson
March 29, 2006
Theodore Patterson March 29, 2006
Theodore Patterson May 2006
Gerald E. Pawloski
April 12, 1983
Gerald E. Pawloski April 12, 1983
Gerald E. Pawloski Apr. 1993
Kathleen J. (Pegg) Sheehan Mar. 2021


Obituary for Kathleen Janet Sheehan in Blaine , Minnesota 

SHEEHAN Kathleen Janet (Pegg) passed away Friday, March 12th, 2021 at the age of 77. Kathy is survived by her husband James Sheehan, sons, Brian Sheehan and Brent Sheehan (Angie), grandchildren, Caleb and Kylee, brother Kenneth Pegg, numerous cousins and extended family. Kathy was born in Minneapolis, MN May 10, 1943 to Donald and Katherine Pegg. She graduated from North High School in 1961. After graduation, Kathy moved to Winter Park, Colorado where she worked and skied for two years, enjoying the sport she loved. Kathy worked many years at Control Data where she met her husband Jim. They spent a lot of time at their cabin in Northern Minnesota where she enjoyed fishing at the lake. Kathy went on numerous trips throughout her life, including a ski trip with her brother Ken to Switzerland, warm weather trips with Jim, Ken, Eileen and others to Mexico, Mayan Riviera, and Jamaica. She enjoyed spending time at the Minnesota State Fair with her best friend Donna. Kathy was a very proud grandmother to her two grandchildren. She will be greatly missed. Visitation 03/27/21 from 9:30-10:30 with service at 10:30. Kozlak-Radulovich Blaine Chapel 1385 107th Ave NE Blaine, MN In lieu of flowers, memorials preferred. Lunch Following at Brian's Home 2231 131st Ave NW Coon Rapids, MN 55448

To send flowers to the family or plant a tree in memory of Kathleen Janet Sheehan please visit our Tribute Store
Michael Pendergast
June 6,  2011
Michael Pendergast June 6, 2011
Michael J. Pendergast Jun. 2011
Joan M. (Pennig) Patten	Jan. 2024
Joan M. (Pennig) Patten Jan. 2024

Joan M. (Pennig) Patten

Patten, Joan M. age 80, of Ramsey. Preceded in death by husband Ronald, Sr., son Ronald, Jr., and parents Bernard and Benita Pennig. Survived by daughter Tracey (Scott) Sylte, grandchildren Jeff and Brad, aunt and uncle Irene and Mike Steele, many other relatives and friends. Mass of Christian Burial Thursday, January 18, 2024 at 11 am at St. Stephen's Catholic Church, 525 Jackson Street, Anoka with visitation 1 hour prior to Mass at the church. Interment 1:30 pm at Glen Haven Memorial Gardens, 5125 West Broadway Avenue, Crystal. Thurston-Lindberg Funeral Home Anoka 763-421-0220

Published on January 7, 2024


Darlene (Perron) More
Darlene (Perron) More
Darlene M. (Perron) More Jul., 2016
Darlene (Perron) More, age 73 of Andover.  Preceded in death by parents, Vernon Perron; bother Don.  Survived by loving husband of 53 years, Fay; children 9
Brian) Brazier, Sandra (Rodney) Opheim and Mike (Sara); grandchildren, Alyssa Brazier, Mardi, Kelsey, Samel and Olivia Opheim, Emily and Paige miss your long phone calls, endless supply of snack, card games and improv accordion jam session.  Mass of Christian Burial Wednesday, 11 am at St Catholic Church in Anoka.  Interment at Fort Snelling Cemetery. 
Michael Dennis Peter May 1999
Michael Dennis Peter May 1999
Michael Dennis Peter May 1999
Darrel J. Peterson
Darrel J. Peterson 2010
Darrel J. Peterson Oct. 2010

Delwin M. Peterson
May 7, 2009
Delwin M. Peterson May 7, 2009
Delwin M. Peterson May 2008
Nancy (Plutzer) Lancet, 78 of Brooklyn, NY passed away on December 27, 2021.
Nancy was born in Minneapolis, MN to Louis and Freda Plutzer.   She was predeceased by her parents, husband Michael and sister Joni.   
Nancy studied to be a Medical Technologist at the University of Minnesota.
She met her husband in Palo Alto, CA and married him in 1965.  After her marriage she and Michael moved to Brooklyn where she worked at Caledonia Hospital.  In 1972 she and her husband started Everything Automotive which she helped run for 23 years.
Nancy retired in 1994 and spent her time reading, and watching her favorite baseball team, The New York Yankees.   She enjooyed shopping and watching TV shows such as Chicago Med, Chicago Fire and Chicago PD as well as Greys Anatomy.   She loved spending time with her grandchildren. She always wanted everyone to be prepared for the weather so she called each of them every day to be sure they dressed properly.  She is survived by her son Morty and his wife Lynn, and her other son Brian and grandchildren Melissa and Josh.
John R. Proulx Jun. 2020
John R. Proulx Jun. 2020

John R. Proulx
Proulx, John R. A resident of Plymouth, MN, John was born in Minneapolis on December 14, 1942, and he passed away June 6, 2020 at the age of 77 from complications of COVID-19. John grew up in North Minneapolis and was a graduate of North High School, the University of Minnesota with an Associate of Arts degree, and the Brown Institute with an electronics certification. He is preceded in death by his parents, John & Millie; sisters, Sandy Proulx & Mitzi (Larry) Scully; brother-in-law, Darrel Johnson; and cousin, Paul Boesen. He is survived by sisters June Johnson and Linda (Denny) Maetzold; nieces, Angela Scully Steger, Judy (Gordy) Atol, and Leslie (Theo) Grothe; and cousin, Kathy Boesen. John served in the Air Force Reserve as an aviation electronics specialist. He was especially proud of being the student leader, a "Rope", of his class at Keesler Air Force Base in Biloxi, Mississippi. Upon his return to Minneapolis from active military service, John worked for the Northern States Power Company for 33 years as Battery Supervisor. Upon retirement in 1999, John enjoyed his cabin on Limestone Lake near Silver Creek MN. John was a quiet, gentle man who will be missed by all. A special thanks to Jane and Steve Rollin for their friendship with John and their long-time support, to Tim Hennum, PT extraordinaire, for his patience and resolve, and to neighbors Janet and Gerald, and Joan for their caring and thoughtfulness. Memorials preferred to the University of Minnesota Masonic Children's Hospital. Due to COVID-19, a private limited- capacity service will be held.

Published on June 14, 2020

Barbara Anne Quast
May 2010
Barbara Anne Quast May 2010
Barbara A. Quast May 2010
Carole (Ramin) Parker
Carole (Ramin) Parker
Carole (Ramin) Parker
Carole Jean Paker, 72, of Midland, passed away on Saturday April 30, 2016.  A graveside service will be Tuesday, May 3rd at 2:00 p.m. at Serenity Memorial Gardens.  She is survived by her husband, David A. Paarker; two sons, Todd Parker and Rick Parker; daughter Christine Hart; one sister and four grandchildren.
Richard P. Ranelle 
July 28, 2000
Richard P. Ranelle July 28, 2000
Richard P. Ranelle Jul. 2000
Vern Chester Reynolds Feb. 2017
Vern Chester Reynolds Feb. 2017

Vernon Chester Reynolds


Reynolds, Vernon Chester age 74, of Grand Rapids, MN, passed away peacefully Wednesday, January 18, 2017 surroun-ded with love and family. Preceding him in death was his father, William; and brothers, Victor and Leslie. Vernon is survived by his former wife, Susan; children, Kevin and Kelly; grandchildren, Alexander and Nicholas; great-grandchild, Isabella; mother, Violet; brother, William; sister, Sharon and many other family and friends. Celebration of Life will be held on March 10, 2017 at 12:00 PM at Brooklyn Park Evangelical Free Church (Revive) at 7849 W. Broadway Ave, Brooklyn Park, MN 55445. Private Inurnment will be held at a later date in Champlin Cemetery. Arrangements are by Rowe Funeral Home and Crematory of Grand Rapids. Condolences: rowefuneralhomeand

Published on February 4, 2017

Judith A. Rockler Oct. 2017
Judith A. Rockler Oct. 2017

Judith Ann 'Judy' Rockler

Rockler, Judith "Judy" Ann age 74, of Minnetonka, loving daughter, sister and aunt, passed away peacefully on Friday, October 13, 2017, surrounded by her family after a brief illness. Judy grew up on the North Side of Minneapolis where she graduated from North High School in 1961. She had many fond memories of her life on the North Side and her dearest friendships date back more than 60 years to her childhood neighborhood and her high school days. As a lifelong resident of Minneapolis, Judy went on to work for more than 40 years in the banking and financial services industry, and retired in 2014 from Wells Fargo after a successful and fulfilling career. Judy is remembered fondly by her many friends and colleagues as a loving and compassionate friend with a great sense of humor and a fiery attitude that people enjoyed being around. Judy found pleasure in traveling with her friends, maybe some gambling in Las Vegas or Mystic Lake, and spending time with her family. Judy was close to her nieces, Vicki and Shari; always participating in family meals and celebrations. Judy took great pride in their accomplishments. In addition to her many friends and family, Judy had several dogs and cats over the years and loved each one as though they were her children. Judy is preceded in death by her father, William Rockler and mother & step-father, Lois & Al Levine. Judy is survived by her sister, Barbara Raport; her nieces, Vicki Raport (Guff Van Vooren) and Shari Levitt (Murray); her grand nephews, Adam Levitt and Josh Levitt; her aunt, Annette Wiener Shapiro; and many cousins. Funeral service is SUNDAY 2:00 PM, UNITED HEBREW BROTHERHOOD CEMETERY CHAPEL, 2605 W. 70 1/2 Street, Richfield. In lieu of flowers, memorials preferred to Animal Humane Society or American Cancer Society. SHIVA at Adath Jeshurun Congregation, 10500 Hillside Lane West, Minnetonka, Sunday evening at 7:00 pm. Hodroff-Epstein 612-871-1234

Michael Rostamo
October 11, 2002
Michael Rostamo October 11, 2002
Michael Rostamo
October 11, 2002
John Ruzicka 
May 27, 1977
John Ruzicka May 27, 1977
John P. Ruzicka Apr. 1977
William P. Ruzicka
June 7, 2003
William P. Ruzicka June 7, 2003
William P. Ruzicka
July 10, 2003 12:00 am
AITKIN, Minn. -- William P. Ruzicka, 60, of 27918 385th Ave., Aitkin, Minn., died Monday, July 7, 2003, at his residence.
He was born Nov. 24, 1942, in Hennepin County, Minn., the son of William Paul and Claire E. (Mooney) Ruzicka. He served in the Army during the Vietnam era. He had worked at Parten Machinery in St. Paul for 18 years and later worked for Pfizer in Golden Valley, Minn., before retiring in Northern Minnesota.
He is survived by: one brother, Thomas (Judy) Ruzicka of Chippewa Falls; one nephew, Steven (Crystal) Ruzicka of Chippewa Falls; one niece, Jennifer Jones of Jim Falls; two great nephews, Joseph and Zackary; one great niece, Kahlan; and cousins.
He was preceded in death by: his parents; and one twin brother, John in 1977.
A Memorial Service will be held at 11 a.m. Saturday, July 12, at Horan Funeral Home, Chippewa Falls. Burial of cremains will be in St. Margaret's Cemetery, Hopkins, Minn., at a later date.
William was an avid outdoorsman who loved to fish and hunt in Alaska and Canada. He was a member of the National Rifle Association and many other shooting clubs.
Richard Ryan 
June 17, 2003
Richard Ryan June 17, 2003
Richard W. Ryan Jun. 2003
Hubert (Bud) Charles Schaitberger, Jr.
Hubert (Bud) Charles Schaitberger, Jr.
Schaitberger, Hubert Charles, Jr. "Bud" age 73 of Maple Grove, passed away peacefully July 12, 2017 in his sleep.  Preceded in death by his parents, Hub and May Schaitberger, and one sister, Carol Ann Fierro. He was an amazing husband, father, grandfather, brother and friend-all of whom remember his generosity, stories and caring nature.  He is survived by his loving wife of 50 years, Jeanne; daughter, Christine Guyott; son Charlie (Karla) Schaitberger; grandchildren, Max, Mostyn and Nolan, as well as his sisters Joan Armstrong, Janet (Rick) Richter, Rita Swatosh and Dorothy (Barry) McLaughlin nieces, nephews and many friends.  Bud was the owner of ask AFS and a pioneer in the telephonic financial wellness field.  He was dedicated to watching his family's sporting events and loved being up North  He was a graduate of North High School and received his degree at Cornell University where he played hockey.  Celebration of Life on Sunday, July 16 from 5-8 pm at Rush Creek Golf Club (7801 Country Rd. 101, Maple Grove, MN 55311) with a service at 6 p and reception to follow.  Interment at Fort Snelling, date tbd.  In ieu of flowers please hug your family, and tell them you love them and/or memorials to the American Heart Association ( Glen Haven Chapel 763-533-8643.
Judith A. Schlicht
March 18, 1987
Judith A. Schlicht March 18, 1987
Judith A. Schlicht Nov. 1973
Constance (Schultz) Erickson
May 2, 2013
Constance (Schultz) Erickson May 2, 2013
Constance Lee (Schultz) Erickson May 2013
Erickson, Constance L, age 69 resident Apple Valley on May 2.  Preceded in death by parents Arthur and Edith Schultz; sister Mary Ann Doss.  Beloved mother of Jennifer Nesmith and Matthew Nesmith; grandmother of Benjamin and Maddie; sister of Thomas (Georgia) Schultz and Judith Erickson.  Special thanks to U of M Hospital transplant team & Staff.
Michael C. Schwab
April 23, 2007
Michael C. Schwab April 23, 2007
Michael C. Schwab Apr. 2007

 Jerry Schwartz
January 25, 2002
Jerry Schwartz January 25, 2002
Jerry Schwartz Jan. 2002
Susan T. (Schwartz) Friedman Dec. 2021

January 7, 1943 - December 29, 2021 Susan Theodora Friedman passed away on December 29, 2021 at the age of 78. Susan was born on January 7, 1943 to Jack and Mollie Schwartz in Minneapolis, MN. Susan graduated from Minneapolis North High School in 1961 and went on to study chemistry at University of Minnesota where she earned her bachelor's degree. After graduating, she moved to Los Angeles and became a long-time resident of Santa Monica. 

In 1981, Susan founded People and Cats Together (PACT), a non-profit humane organization devoted to rescuing/rehoming cats and funding local spay and neuter programs. Susan, along with her many dedicated volunteers, managed to find homes for over 10,000 cats over the course of her time with PACT.

Susan loved flower arranging, was active in her movie club and enjoyed staying in touch with many of her dear friends from Minneapolis, despite the long distances between them. 

Susan is survived by her son Jason and his wife Bronwyn and their sons, Tom and Owen as well as her son Adam, his wife Vanessa and their daughters Isabel and Mia. She is also survived by her sisters Sandy Sher, Myrna Britton and Myrna's husband Roger Anderson.

Susan was dearly loved and will be missed by all.
Willa Frances (Scott) Ingram
Willa Frances (Scott) Ingram 9/21/04.
Willa Frances (Scott) Ingram Sep. 2004
Willa Frances Ingram, age 60 of Mpls., passed away 9/21/04.  Survived by daughter Angela (Guidry); grandsons, Lemandre Ingram and Gevonn Porter; great granddaughter, Lemandrea; mother Reba Jones, siblings Carol Ann Scott, Edward (Patricia) Neal, Kenneth (Saltina) Neal, Roy (Latisha) Neal, Nada Jones and a host of nieces and nephews and friends.  Funeral service Monday 9/27, 5 pm at Crystal Lake Funeral Home, corner of Penn & Dowling Aves. N.
Judith (Seiler) Sheridan
May 13, 2012
Judith (Seiler) Sheridan May 13, 2012
Judith K. (Seiler) Sheridan Feb. 2012
Larry Small
 August 8, 2013
Larry Small August 8, 2013
Larry E. Small Aug. 2013
Lee T. Snapko Feb. 2012
Lee T. Snapko Feb. 2012
Lee T. Snapko
Snapko, Lee T. age 69, of Brooklyn Center, passed away on February 1, 2012 from complications of idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis. Retired longtime employee of Control Data. Veteran U.S. Navy. A lifetime lover of the game of golf. Preceded in death by his parents; brothers, Phil, Bob, Don, and Peter. He will be deeply missed by the 46 year love of his life, Karen; sons, Bill (Ellen), Jim; grandchildren, Kyzr, Ailee, Stella, Maeve, Anna, Clare, Keira; brother, Gary (Sue); sister in-law, Patti (Pete) Giese; many relatives and good friends. Eucharistic Service 11 AM Wednesday, February 8 at Church of the Epiphany Episcopal, 4900 Nathan Lane, Plymouth (763-559-3144) with visitation at church 1 hour before service. Memorials preferred. Private interment at Fort

Published on February 5, 2012

Sherna "Shay" (Soll) Butterfras Oct. 2022

Sherna "Shay" (Soll) Butterfras Oct. 2022

Diane M. (Spandel) Lind Apr. 2003
Diane M. (Spandel) Lind Apr. 2003
Diane M. (Spandel) Lind Apr. 2003
Carol Ann (Sparks) Larscheid Sep. 2012
Carol Ann (Sparks) Larscheid Sep. 2012
Carol Ann (Sparks) Larscheid Sep. 2012

Carol Ann (Sparks) Larscheid

Larscheid, Carol Ann (nee Sparks) Age 69, of Apple Valley, died on Sept. 26, 2012. She was a graduate of Augsburg College, taught art at Burnsville High School, worked for Control Data as a Programmer Analyst. Carol loved antiques, oil painting, ice skating and playing cards with friends. Preceded in death by her mother, Pearl. Survived by, sons, Daniel and Nathan (Michelle); sisters, Judith (David) and Lorene; four grandchildren; 3 nephews and 1 niece; and her step-father, Frank. Memorial Service Sunday, Sept. 30, 3:30 PM, Cortland Square Apartments, Community Room, 7385-157th St. W., Apple Valley. Memorials preferred. Twin Cities Cremation 612-866-6711

Published on September 30, 2012

Michael J. Spillane, Age 77, of Apple Valley, passed away peacefully, surrounded by family at home on April 1, 2021 after a brief battle with Lymphoma. Preceded in death by his father, James Spillane, and mother, Esther "Mickey" Avery. Born in Duluth and raised in Minneapolis where he was a graduate of North High School class of 1961. Attended University of Minnesota and member of the Minnesota National Guard. Married Judy, his wife of 55 years, in 1965. Along with partners, started Powder Technology, Inc. in 1980. It has been a very successful business venture which continues today and allowed him the luxury of retiring in 2004 at the age of 59. Longtime member of Grace Lutheran Church in Apple Valley. Mike enjoyed playing softball, golf, travelling in the U.S and Europe and spending time with his family and friends. He was known for his fun sense of humor and exceptional generosity, always thinking of others before himself. Survived by loving wife, Judy; daughters, Julie (Dave) Forcier, Melissa (Greg) Boeser and Amy (Dan) Pepich; grandchildren, Justin (Liz) Forcier, Brandon (Madie) Norris Forcier, Hannah Pepich and Shane Pepich; sister, Patty Pederson. Private funeral service to be held at Henry W. Anderson Mortuary in Apple Valley. Inurnment at Lebanon Cemetery. In lieu of flowers, memorials preferred to: Walk with G.R.A.C.E. (Greater Richland Area Cancer Elimination) at P.O. Box 213, Richland Center, WI, 53581. Henry W. Anderson (952)432-2331

Published on April 11, 2021

Bradley E. St.Mane May 2017
Bradley E. St.Mane May 2017

Bradley E. St. Mane, Sr.

St. Mane, Bradley E. Sr. July 14, 1943 - May 19, 2017 Brad was a man of indomitable spirit. Brad faced ALS with humor, grace and courage Always a twinkle in his eye, a song in his heart and a seven iron in his hand. He was well loved by Zoe, Brad Jr (grand-daughter Keaton, Kim and their families), Juan (Tusiime), Barry (Eve and family), Diana, all the North/Henry gang, his golfing buddies and the community of Lake Country School. Memorials to Lake Country School, 3755 Pleasant Ave S. Mps. MN 55409. Celebration of Life details to follow.

Eugene W. Stano, Jr. 
October 22, 1997
Eugene W. Stano, Jr. October 22, 1997
Eugene W. Stano, Jr. Oct. 1997
Roger G. Stano Mar. 2024
Roger G. Stano Mar. 2024

Roger Gerald Stano

June 2, 1943 - March 24, 2024

Boise, Idaho - The world said a sad goodbye to Roger Gerald Stano of Boise, Idaho, on March 24, 2024. Roger was a loving husband, father, son, brother and uncle, as well as an outstanding colleague and friend to many in the field of medical physics. Although his life of 80 years seems short to those he leaves behind, his impact was profound, with significant contributions to the scientific world and a legacy of love and faith for all who knew him.

Born June 2,1943 in Minneapolis, MN to Gerald "Bud" Martin Stano and Lucille Marie (LaVigne) Stano, Roger was the eldest of six children - three boys and three girls. As a child Roger contributed to an ever enlarging household. He was always busy creating and crafting toys for his younger brothers made of wood and working parts, some may say the forerunner to the Tonka Toy trucks. Roger's love of the great outdoors was passed down by Bud. Roger would accompany Bud on fishing and hunting trips as a youngster throughout Minnesota. Bud had a family to feed and would always return to the home with a full stringer, something that Roger carried on throughout his many awesome fishing trips to Deadwood and Cordova.

Roger attended North High School in Minneapolis, graduating in 1961. Roger was a whiz at math and he began forming his foundation for his life study in the field of physics. He attended the University of Minnesota, receiving an Associate's Degree. After, Roger enlisted in the United States Airforce. He was assigned to the strategic air command at Glasgow Air Force Base near Glasgow, Montana. He was then assigned to K.I. Sawyer Air Force Base near Marquette, Michigan. While serving, Roger achieved the rank of Master Sergeant for his work on the F-101 interceptors. After completing his military service, Roger attended Northern Michigan University in Marquette receiving his Bachelor of Science Degree. Roger loved science and continued his education at The University of Wisconsin in Madison being granted a Master's Degree in the emerging field of medical physics.

Roger met his first wife, Carolyn Jean Burton (Smith), while attending school. They were married in Michigan in 1971. Roger and Carolyn moved to Marshfield, WI where they had their first child, Melissa Marie Stano (Bonney) in 1975. In 1976, Mountain States Tumor Institute in Boise came calling for Roger to start the collaboration of medical physics with the oncologists on staff, to offer cutting edge cancer treatments for the residents of Idaho. Roger and Carolyn had their second child, Robert John Stano in 1978. In Idaho, Roger pursued scientific research and formed many deep friendships as he found a sense of community in the world of cancer treatment. He contributed much to improve the lives of many in the Intermountain West, working both at MSTI (St. Luke's Regional Medical Center) and through his business, Treasure Valley Medical Physics.

Roger loved his family, his work and the outdoors. He was always busy and completing projects. When Roger built his forever Boise home, he was integral in its design and construction. Roger loved constructing anything. Later, in life he would build his own furniture and various projects for his grandchildren. In the late 1980s, Roger took his mom, Lucille, and his children on a trip to Hawaii. This was the trip of a lifetime for them and was the topic of many memories and conversations. Roger took his kids camping and fishing often, taking Bob ice fishing in winters. He, with friends, would set up hunting camp each fall.

Roger met Deana Marie Jensen while working at MSTI. They married in 1993. It was in Deana, that Roger found his hunting and fishing companion. Roger and Deana set up "hunting camp" in Cuprum, Idaho. While continuing his daily work, Roger undertook a massive remodel of his hunting camp, adding on to the cabin and renovating much of the structure. Roger could do it all: design, plumbing, electrical, wood working, tile, cabinets, you name it. Roger spent a great deal of his life in the mountains. Whether it was gathering firewood (it always had to be the biggest tree), tracking elk, or showing his grandchildren new things, he was happy there. He shared his love of the mountains with his brothers and sisters, as well as his children and grandchildren.

Roger and Deana took their dream big game hunting trip to Zimbabwe in 1999. They stayed with locals who used every part of the animals, and they brought home prized trophies which were displayed in their home. Another adventure began and many valued friendships formed when Roger headed north to Cordova, Alaska to seek the prized Copper River salmon and halibut that inhabit Prince William Sound. Here he found a home and again undertook a renovation to erect "fish camp." Roger and Deana navigated the Alaskan Highway and took an extended vacation down an Alaskan river. There was even a dog sledding adventure tossed in. Roger expanded his work through TVMP to also service areas in Alaska. Roger caught many prized salmon on the Eyak River in Cordova. Eventually, his children and grandchildren made their way to Cordova to experience their own thrill of wrestling salmon and halibut.

The world will not be the same without Roger Stano, but the world is a better place for having had him in it. Roger was preceded in death by his wife Deana and his sister Sharon Elaine Hess. He is survived by his daughter, Melissa Bonney, her husband Shaun and their children Adrianna and Liam; his son Robert "Bob" Stano and Bob's children Claire and Robert "Gio"; and his siblings Jean Marie Gaynor, Janet Mary Heywood, Charles (Deb) Edward Stano and Dr. William (Yalda) Stano, and many other beloved extended family members. A service for Roger will be held at Saint Mary's Catholic Church (Boise) on Friday, April 26th at 11 AM, then a brief memorial service for both Roger and Deana (who passed away in January) will be conducted at the Veterans Cemetery at 3 PM, followed by a celebration gathering at Melissa's home.

Published by Idaho Statesman on Apr. 7, 2024.


David P. Stasney
February 4,  1995
David P. Stasney February 4, 1995
David P. Stasney Feb. 1995
DeLane Steckman Soposnick
October 23, 2010
DeLane Steckman Soposnick October 23, 2010
Delane (Steckman) Soposnick Oct. 2010
Daniel R. Stone 
February 27, 2001
Daniel R. Stone February 27, 2001
Daniel R. Stone Feb. 2001
Carol (Sundeen) Zawistoski
Carol (Sundeen) Zawistoski

Carol (Sundeen) Zawistowski
July 21, 1943 - September 13, 2024
Carol Aleda Zawistowski (Sundeen), age 81, passed away September 13, 2024 with loved ones by her side. Born and raised in North Minneapolis, she graduated from North High school in 1961. Carol was a devoted wife to Stanley, who she married in 1968, and together they raised four children.

Carol exemplified unwavering love and dedication to her family. Her role as a grandmother and great-grandmother brought immense joy and pride. Her legacy of fierce strength and infinite wisdom will be remembered through the memories she created with those that loved her.

Carol will be deeply missed by many. She was preceded in death by her beloved son (Mark), parents (Charles and Aleda Sundeen), siblings (Roland, Joan, Donny), and son-in-law (Dan Herbst). She leaves behind her loving husband, Stanley; children, Christopher, Sherri Herbst, Mike (Mandy), Shannon (Shawn) Robideau; grandchildren, Amber (Kevin), Charlie, Riley, Lacey, Wyatt, Will; great grandchildren, Case, Logen, Danny.

Visitation will begin at 1 pm, followed by a service at 2 pm on Tuesday, September 17, 2024, at Gearhart Funeral Home, 11275 Foley Blvd, NW Coon Rapids. Interment at Morningside Memorial Gardens, Coon Rapids.
Published on September 15, 2024

Patricia Sward Vaughn
April 25, 2001
Patricia Sward Vaughn April 25, 2001
Patricia B. (Sward) Vaughn Apr. 2001
Beverly J. Swenson Becker 
May 11, 1994
Beverly J. Swenson Becker May 11, 1994
Beverly J. (Swenson) Becker May 1994
Mary A. (Swenson) Fickling Sep. 2018
Mary A. (Swenson) Fickling Sep. 2018
Mary A. (Swenson) Fickling Sep. 2018
Fickling, Mary A. It is with great sadness that the family of Mary Fickling announces her passing after a brief illness, on August 30th, 2018, at the age of 74 years. Mary will be lovingly remembered by her husband of 54 years, Robert and their children, Lisa Rademacher (Jeff), and Holly Queen (David). Mary will also be fondly remembered by her 7 grandchildren, sister, Nancy (Jerry) and many other family members and numerous friends. Mary is preceded in death by her parents, Don and Gladys Swenson and her brother, Dale Swenson. A celebration of Mary's life will be held on Saturday, September 22nd, 3 pm at First Lutheran Church of Crystal.
Lawrence G. Taylor
April 4, 1997
Lawrence G. Taylor April 4, 1997
Lawrence G. Taylor Apr. 1997
David Thielke
David Thielke 2011
David J. Thielke Feb. 2011
George W. Thompson
February 5, 1998
George W. Thompson February 5, 1998
George W. Thompson Feb. 1998
Ruth (Thomson) Wallace
Ruth (Thomson) Wallace
Ruth (Thompson) Wallace Mar. 2017
Reflection of a Blessed Life
A TIME TO BE BORN - Nov. 9, 1942 to the late Harry Thompson Sr. and Annie Laura Thompson
She made peace with God at a young age, when she accepted Him as her personal Lord and Savior.
A TIME TO LOVE AND LAUGH - Ruth was married to the late Ernest Wallace.  From this union two daughters were born, Felecia and Elissa.
A TIME TO PLANT - Ruth was a faithful member of Emmanuel Tabernacle COGIC under the leadership of the late Jurisdictional Bishop Stanley N. Frazier.   She served at the President of the Pastor's Aide committee for several yeaes.  She was a member of the Mothers' and Usher Board.  She was a fiery tambourine player..... by the way, where is her tambourine?
A TIME TO BUILD UP -Ruth worked at the University of Minnesota Hospital and Medtronic where she retired after 31 years.  She opened her home and never hesitate to feed anyone.  Others called her mom.  Mom's house was the spot.
A TIME TO CRY - She was proceeded in death by her parents Harry Sr. & Annie Thompson and brother Harry Thompson Jr.
A TIME TO DIE - Ruth departed this life on March 29, 2017 at 9:59 pm at North Memorial Hospital
A TIME TO MOURN - Ruth leaves to cherish her memory; 2 loving daughters - Felecia D. Webb (Celester Webb) and Elissa  F. Wallace. 7 Grandchildren; BriAnna Brown (Donald Brown Jr. ) Celester Webb II, Avery Webb, Daja Russell, Elexia Russell and Eboni Russell.  5 Great Grandchildren: Myr'Acle Brown, De'Jeon Russell, Donald Brown III, Destiny Brown and Marcus Rogers-Webb.  One sister Louis McDuffie four brothers, Roy Thompson (Zeala Thompson), Paul Thomspon, Kenny Thompson and Glenn Thompson, all of Minneapolis , MN along with a host of nieces nephews cousins and friends.
Richard Toft
Richard Toft
Richard Toft "Rich" age 71 of Brooklyn Park, Minnesota, died unexpectedly on Monday, November 3, 2014.  Richard was born on April 10, 1943 in Minneapolis, Minnesota, the son of Paul and Dorothea (Mayer) Toft.  He proudly served his country in the United States Air Force.  Rich was united in marriage to Terri Goodwin on April 27, 1968.  Rich worked 40+ years at Bemis/Thiele technologies in Minneapolis.  He enjoyed bowling, dancing, remodeling, and loved his family immensely.  Rich was preceded in death bt this parents and wife, Terri.  He is survived by his sons, Mike (Jadene) and Tony; two grandchildren; siblings, David (Flora) Ruth Wergin, Stephen (Cindy); and other extended family.  Funeral Services will be held at 2:00 p.m. Thursday November 13, 2014 at Lutheran Church of the Master, 1200 69th Avenue North, Brooklyn Center.  Visitation will be at 12:30 pm until time of the service at the church.  Interment at Fort Snelling National Cemetery.  Mattson Funeral Home and Cremation Services.
Barbara (Tohey) Nesheim
Barbara (Tohey) Nesheim
Barbara J. (Tohey) Nesheim
Age 69 of Corcoran, MN, born March 13, 1943 in Minneapolis to Francis and Theresa Tohey, passed away January 17, 2013.  Barbara worked for Norwest Bank for 28 years.  She enjoyed family, friends and traveling.  She is preceded in death by all of her brothers and a sister.  Barbara will be dearly missed by her husband, Jim, sons Patrick (Patti) and Michael; grandchildren Ryan, Nicholas, Jennifer, Megan and Katie, and numerous other family and friends.  Special thanks to Jerlean Davis and the Staff at Bryn Mawr Health Care Center for their kindness and care.  Visitation, 5-8 pm Monday Jan 21 at Henry W. Anderson ortuary, 3640 23rd Ave. So, Mpls,and also one hour before the Mass, Tuesday at church.  Mass of Christian Burial, 11 am, Tuesday, January 22 at Nativity of Mary Catholic Church, 9900 Lyndale Ave. So., Bloomington, Interment, Resurrection Cemetery.  Henry W. Anderson (612-729-2331
Alice A. (Tomasko) Heid Dec. 2015
Alice A. (Tomasko) Heid Dec. 2015

Alice Anne (Tomasko) Heid


Heid, Alice Anne age 72, of Alexandria, joined her Savior on Sunday, December 20, 2015. Prayer services are 11 a.m., Tuesday, December 29, 2015, at Lind Family Funeral Home in Alexandria. Visitation will begin at 9 a.m., and continue until the prayer service at 11 a.m. A light lunch will be served immediately following. Arrangements provided by Lind Family Funeral & Cremation Services,

Published on December 27, 2015

Sandra R. (Trombley) Peterson
Sandra R. (Trombley) Peterson 2000
Sandra R. Trombley 2000
Rhona M. Troswick Wheeler 
April 15, 2000
Rhona M. Troswick Wheeler April 15, 2000
Rhona M. (Troswick) Wheeler Apr. 2000
Ronald Valez
December 2012
Ronald Valez December 2012
Ronald V. Valez Dec. 2012
Ronald V. Valez, 69 of Columbia Heights passed away peacefully with his wife and companion of 17 years and loving daughter by his side after courageously battling many serious health issues over the past four years.  Preceeded in death by father, Leo J. Valez, stepmother, Betty Valez.  Survived by loving wife, Cindy; mother, Evelyn G. Valez; daughter, Rhonda Jo Boulette (John); stepson Eric Uhlman (Sharon); brothers, Daniel Valez, (Rose), Randal Valez (Julie); sister Cheryl Arney (Jim); grandson Derek Lindvall and several sweet nephews and a niece.  Born in Minneapolis, he was a Millwright most of his life and was planning his retirement from Honeywell at the end of this year.  He enjoyed his work immensely and took great pride in his endeavors and had many great co-workers who were also wonderful friends.  Ron's greatest loves were tinkering in his garage and workshop, building and designing all sorts of things, music, football, anique shopping and exploring garage sales with his wife.  Ron's wishes were to have no public viewing or funeral service, rather, he wanted all that knew and loved him to please remember him as you knew him and for you to celebrate his life in your own person and private way.
Darlene S. Vaughn Buckman
Darlene S. Vaughn Buckman
Darlene S. (Vaughn) Buckman
Ruth L. (Wedekind) Lovsted Feb. 2015
Ruth L. (Wedekind) Lovsted Feb. 2015

Ruth (Wedekind) Lovsted


Lovsted, Ruth age 72 of New Hope and formerly of Brooklyn Park and Maple Grove, died peacefully at home on Tuesday, February 24, 2015 surrounded by her family. Ruth will be deeply missed by her loving husband of fifty years, Jim; daughters, Kimmarie Messer (John), Lori Weaver (Andrew Peeples), Michele Wolsmann (Chad), Nancy Lyons (Steve); grandchildren, Alex and Kevin Messer, Nate and Matthew Weaver, Maddie and Max Wolsmann, AJ, Eric and Joelle Lyons; siblings, Alice Kash-marek (Herman), and Robert Wedekind (Joyce), sisters-in-law, Laura Olson (Gary), Mary Mick (Terry) and Linda Cooper (Doug), and brother-in-law, Tracy Karlson (Sharon), along with many nieces, nephews and friends. Preceded in death by parents George & Margaret Wedekind, parents-in-law Loren and Rachel Lovsted, sister and brother-in-law Marie and Dan Anderson, brother, John Wedekind, and brother-in-law John Lovsted. The family would like to thank the staff at Saint Therese at Oxbow Lakes, North Ridge Health and Rehab, and North Memorial Hospice for their excellent care of Ruth. Ruth's vibrant spirit will continue to live in the hearts of those who loved her dearly. She was an active volunteer at church and school PTA. She enjoyed being with friends and family, traveling with her husband, cooking and baking, playing cards, and watching every Twins and Vikings game. She had a contagious smile and laugh that was comforting for those around her. Mass of Christian Burial at St. Vincent de Paul Catholic Church, 9100 93rd Avenue North, Brooklyn Park on Monday, March 2, 2015 at 11 AM with visitation at 10 AM. Interment at Gethsemane Cemetery, New Hope.

Published on February 28, 2015

Joan (Weisman) Belzer Jan. 2024
Joan (Weisman) Belzer Jan. 2024

Joan (Weisman) Belzer

It is with deep sadness and regret that the family of Joan Weisman Belzer report her death on January 25, 2024. Joni, as she liked to be called, was born March 2, 1943, in Minneapolis, Minn. to Kathryn and Sholem Weisman. She was graduated from North High School and the University of Minnesota (Phi Beta Kappa). She received her Master's Degree in Library Science from UCLA. That degree resonated with her lifelong love of reading. It also aligned with her belief that rather than buying books, one should borrow them from the library. 

In the world of fashion, Joni loved hats. Every dressy outfit required its own accompanying, proper hat. Joni's soul or being also wore hats. Her librarian hat found her working in every location where she lived: the business library at the University of Southern California, the South Dakota Library Department in Pierre, and the library of the University of Arizona Agricultural Economics Department. 

Joni donned her salesmanship hat when she sold costume rings to boutique stores in Minneapolis. And when she sold large spools of yarn from her empty living room in Tucson. For over three years she was "Tucson's Sprint lady," promoting the sale of Sprint as a low-cost long-distance telephone service to often skeptical customers. 

She wore red and blue political hats. She loved to discuss politics and she loved to debate politics. She actively managed the front office of her husband's medical practice for forty years. 

Her most cherished hat involved her love of handwriting analysis. Once she learned the skill and lost 15 pounds in two months implementing it on herself, she became a strong advocate for its use. For 25 years, she was the handwriting analyst in the metaphysical department at the Canyon Ranch Resort. She lectured on the subject on over 35 separate cruises. She gave dozens of presentations in the Tucson and the southern California areas. She wrote a book on selected topics in handwriting. And, as the author of that book, she participated in the first annual Tucson Festival of Books, in the 4 PM slot on Sunday. Her subject was "You are what you write." She expected a low turnout. To her delight, the room was full! 

Joni was a delightful daughter to her mother. She was a loving mother to her daughters (Suzanne Belzer MD, Lisa Gulich). She was a caring grandmother to he three grandsons (Eric, Uri, and Eitan Gulich). She was married to her husband (Irvin) for 58 years. They looked at their time together as one long date. Joni will be sorely missed by those whose lives she touched. 

Donations in her memory may be made to Congregation Anshei Israel or Friends of the Tucson Public Library or any favorite charity.

Published by Arizona Daily Star from Feb. 26 to Feb. 28, 2024.


Carol Westberry
July 20, 2010
Carol Westberry July 20, 2010
Carol A. Westberry Jul. 2010
Melford A. Wheeler Oct. 2018
Melford A. Wheeler Oct. 2018
Melford A. Wheeler Oct. 2018
Melford A. Wheeler
Wheeler, Melford A. Musician, pilot, engineer.   Passed away peacebully at the age of 75 with family and friends at his side.  Formerly of North Minneapolis.  Survived by life partner, Sue Smith; sons Troy and Anthony; sister, Joan Wallskog (Wayne); and grandsons, Jackson and Matthew.  Mel was a lifelong msician who shared his loved for music with others in hospitals and nursing homes.  He became a pilot at a young age and shared his love of aviation with his children and grandchildren.  Memorial services held 2pm on October 27th at the Billman-Hunt Chapel, 2701 Central Ave. NE, Mpls with a gathering beginning at 1 pm.  His family is grateful for the care he received from the kind staff at Abbott Northwestern Hospital.  Memorials preferred to The Retreat of Wayzata of Fairview recovery services.  Chapel phone 612-789-3535
Patricia Williams
March 7, 2004
Patricia Williams March 7, 2004
Patricia Williams Mar. 2004
Meredith J. (Wise) Hampton May 2012
Meredith J. (Wise) Hampton May 2012
Meredith J. (Wise) Hampton
January 11, 1944 - March 27, 2012
Of Portland, is survived by her father Harold Wise, children Jennifer Wilson & Shaynah Hampton and siblings Serene Piercy & Michael Wise.
A Funeral Service will be held on Thursday March 29, 2012, 11:00am at Shaarie Torah Cemetery Chapel, SE 67th & Nehalem
- See more at:
Leonard V. Wood
Leonard V. Wood
Leonard V. Wood, age 73 of Lewiston Idaho passed away on June 21, 2017 following a major stroke.  He was originally from MN and was a retired Minneapolis Police Officer.  He was preceded in death b his beloved wife Judy Wood, Marjorie Wood, and mother Irma Houck.  He is survived by his son Kevin (Sandy) Wood of North Branch MN and other family and friends.  He loved life, telling his jokes, and sharing his life stories.  He will be greatly missed.  Interment and Celebration of Life will be held Friday, July 21, 2017 at 11:00 a.m. at Elmhurst Cemetert, 1510 Dale St. N, St. Paul, MN 55117.  A lunch will follow at the McCarron County Park, 1795 Rice St., St. Paul, MN 55113.
Barbara J. (Wyland) Flatten Sep. 2020
Barbara J. (Wyland) Flatten Sep. 2020
Barbara Jean (Wyland) Flatten
Flatten, Barbara Jean (née Wyland) of Minne tonka, died on Friday September 18, 2020 at 7:30pm. Born on 11/22/1943, 76 years old. Daughter of Frances and Roy Wyland. Sisters: Lois (deceased), Kathy, Joyce. Children: Ethan Flatten, Teig Flatten, Jim Vold. Grandchildren: Katrina Flatten, DJ Vold, Paul Vold. Graduated from North High School in 1961 and Methodist nursing school in 1965 She enjoyed socializing with friends and neighbors, organizing card playing groups and travel. Barbara, unapologetically, could single-handedly fill a room with boisterous laughter. Funeral Saturday 11 AM at Gearty-Delmore Plymouth Chapel, 15800 37th Ave N. @ Vicksburg Lane. Visitation after 10 AM Saturday. Interment Elmhurst Cemetery, St. Paul. In lieu of flowers, memorials preferred to American Cancer Society. 763-553-1411
John W. Zimmer Jun. 2021
John W. Zimmer Jun. 2021

John W. Zimmer Jun. 2021

John “Jack” W. Zimmer age 77, of Brooklyn Park passed away peacefully with his loving family present.

Survived by his loving wife, Elaine; daughter, Julie Zimmer and son, Brian Zimmer; grandchildren, Bergen, Dane, Cameron, Zach and Brock; sisters, Marilyn Braun, Char O’Brien; loving nieces and nephews.

Preceded in death by his parents, Hazel and John Zimmer; brothers, Dick and Bob Zimmer.

Jack’s pre-school years his family of seven lived in the lower North side of Minneapolis.  It was an ethnically diverse community and everybody got along.  Jack’s neighbor Sarah would ask, “Jackie, would you come over Friday night and turn my light off?”  Those nickels added up.  Sam the corner grocer would give anyone credit he knew.  He attended Ascension Catholic School, St. Cyril’s and graduated North High School in 1961.

At 13, he started working for his brother-in-law at Braun’s Bakery in Robbinsdale and knew he wanted to have his own bakery someday.  Returning from the Army he worked at the Camden Bakery where he met and married Elaine Teige.  In 1967 he bought Filipek Bakery on Lake/Hennepin. The Vietnam war was raging and help was scarce. . . many nights he worked alone.  In 1972 he bought the Bungalow Bakery in St. Louis Park on Hwy. 100, open seven days a week.  In 1980, K-Mart bought the Zayre stores and asked Jack to vacate.  He stored his equipment and started looking for a new location.

From 1980-1984 he worked at Lunds Commissary decorating cakes and worked with Pillsbury adding fresh-baked croissants.  In September 1984 he opened Jack’s Bakery and Coffee Shop in Brooklyn Park.  Every sweet item in a bag or box had a sticker that said: Baker Jack says: Eat Dessert First!  Life is Uncertain.  Business was booming and an addition was added to the bakery in 1993. Jack was a certified “Master Baker”.  He was active in the local Chamber of Commerce, the Minnesota and National Baker’s Assoc., over 30 years and inducted into the “Minnesota Bakers Hall of Fame”.

In 1994, Jack offered a tour of his bakery to 30 Russian and Siberian businesses.  They were awed by ovens (furnaces), full shelves in grocery stores and all the “single” homes.  He received a key to the city of Murmansk.
In 1999, after savings lots of green dough, the bakery was sold.  Jack and Elaine retired, but not for long.  Volunteering and Traveling were top priorities.

In 2000, ACDI-VOCA, an overseas government assistance program sent them to Russia to help bakeries that were struggling after Glasnost.  In 2001 they were sent to Ukraine.  Both experiences became life-changing and enriching.  They enjoyed hosting others from around the world in their home.  Their retirement travels had taken them to 60 countries and 49 states.

Jack became a volunteer Meals on Wheels driver in 2000.  He loved the camaraderie with other drivers and training new ones.  He respected his clients giving each a plate of Holiday cookies/card.  In 2017 Jack became a “Poster Boy” as there was talk of cutting funds for MOW.  A large pic of Jack delivering lunch to a client appeared on the front page of USA Today with the caption “Here’s the truth about Meals on Wheels”.  No cuts were made.

Jack enjoyed time spent in Naples, Florida each winter, boating on Lake Minnetonka, golfing on Edinburgh, attending his five grand kids sporting/school events and making special Birthday cakes for friends and family.  Volunteering at the 3M Sr. Championship every year was a favorite. He loved chauffeuring the pros around and oh, the stories he told.

At Prince of Peace, he loved to help in the kitchen with funeral lunches and special occasion fund raisers, men’s workday, ushering, communion assisting Men’s Bible Study at Perkins and GroupLife discussions.

After God and Family, it was the Vikings.  Jack was a season ticket holder and his 40th Birthday was celebrated September 8, 1983 with a Vikings loss of 48-17.  His family celebrated his 73rd Birthday on the US Bank Stadium Plaza with a surprise Legacy Brick. It says, “Skol Vikings!, Jack Zimmer, Brian and Boys, Fans since 1961” and found in back of the Viking Ship with many VIP’s.  Jack’s regrets: No Hole-in-one and No Vikings Super Bowl win. Jack lived his life by the Ten Commandments and the Golden Rule.

                             Well Done Good and Faithful Servant!

Abundant Thanks to the gifted doctors and support staff at the Mayo Clinic and our loving and supportive family and friends.

In lieu of flowers, Memorials to: Prince of Peace Church, Brooklyn Park; CEAP, Brooklyn Park; Mayo Clinic (PSC Research) 800-297-1185.
Memorial service 11:00 A.M. Thursday, July 15, 2021 at Prince of Peace Lutheran Church, 7217 West Broadway; Brooklyn Park, Minnesota.  With visitation at the church beginning at 10:00 A.M. until the service time.
Visitation 5:00 P.M. - 8:00 P.M. Wednesday, July 14, 2021 at Gearty-Delmore Funeral Chapel of Plymouth; 15800 West Broadway; Plymouth.
Advance the video to the 20 minute mark to reach the beginning of the service view Jack's service please click here. 
Published by Gearty-Delmore Funeral Chapels - Plymouth Chapel on Jul. 16, 2021.


Jean E. Zoldahn Jul. 2023
Jean E. Zoldahn Jul. 2023

Jean E. Zoldahn Jul. 2023

Deborah A. (Zweigbaum) Schoenack Oct. 2022
Deborah Schoenack Obituary

We are sad to announce that on October 14, 2022, at the age of 79, Deborah Schoenack (Minneapolis, Minnesota) passed away. Leave a sympathy message to the family on the memorial page of Deborah Schoenack to pay them a last tribute.

She was predeceased by : her parents, Dave Zweigbaum and Ida Zweigbaum. She is survived by : her son Aaron (Alisa); her grandsons, Zachary (Anna) and Aiden; and her pet Sadie. She is also survived by many friends and family.

A graveside service was held on Sunday, October 16th 2022 at 2:00 PM at the Adath Chesed Shel Emes Cemetery (3740 Winnetka Ave N, New Hope, MN 55428).

In lieu of flowers donations can be made in her honor to the Animal Humane Society, American Heart Association or Temple Israel of Minneapolis.

Suggested donation : American Heart Association